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Influences, references and imitations- an exhibition revolving around the aesthetics of Kraftwerk.



Influences, references and imitations- an exhibition revolving around the aesthetics of Kraftwerk

Since the early 1970s, the German band Kraftwerk has cultivated a distinct expression, both musically and visually. One of the central themes has been how modern technology shapes society and man.

The exhibition presents Kraftwerk’s visionary ideas and aesthetics based on an extensive and partly very exclusive collection of album covers, posters, photographs and other materials from Kraftwerk’s production, but also uses the band’s aesthetics as a lens through which to look at the history of art and design. The exhibition will present film, photography, graphic design, industrial design, fashion, art and commercial products, from the 20th century and onward, which have served directly or indirectly as sources of inspiration for Kraftwerk - but also shows how the band in turn has influenced these artistic fields.

For the exhibition the Röhsska Museum collaborates with guest curator Andréas Hagström, who usually works at Göteborgs Konsthall. Hagström is a connoisseur of Kraftwerk's aesthetics and has since the early 1990s, gathered information and material about the mysterious and legendary band.

The list of artists and designers who, in one way or another, will be presented in the exhibition includes Josef & Anni Albers, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Anton Corbijn, El Lissitzky, Gilbert & George, Dorothy Iannone, Ute Ploier, Dieter Rams, Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, Peter Saville and Emil Schult.

The show is accompanied by a catalogue with specially commissioned essays, offering in-deep examinations of some of the topics highlighted in the exhibition.

The exhibition opens on Sunday, May 24 and runs until November 8, 2015.

Press images: http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/rohsska/images

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Please contact press manager Birgitta Wåhlander for more information about this exhibition, +46(0)31-368 31 53, birgitta.wahlander@kultur.goteborg.se


Vasagatan 37, Göteborg, Sweden



Karin Andersson

Karin Andersson

Presskontakt Kommunikatör & presskontakt 070-595 12 83

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