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Dr. Brian Skotko and Dr. Christopher Hartnick.
Dr. Brian Skotko and Dr. Christopher Hartnick.

Nyhet -

LuMind webbinarium om obstruktiv sömnapné onsdagen den 25 april kl 22

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Don’t let it get in the way of cognitive potential!

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs in nearly 3 out of every 4 people with Down syndrome, returning at any point throughout their lives. Oftentimes, the symptoms are silent, with no warning to caregivers and clinicians. The impact of untreated apnea can be significant, including worsening medical issues and loss of cognitive functioning. LuMind RDS is excited to host this live webinar with two experts in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea.

Dr. Brian Skotko and Dr. Christopher Hartnick will review the latest ways to detect apnea in persons with Down syndrome and new advances in how to treat obstructive sleep apnea, followed by a Questions and Answers session. No longer does apnea need to get in the way of a healthy life! A webinar not to be missed for every parent!

Live webinar with Dr. Brian Skotko from the Massachusetts General Hospital Down Syndrome Program and Dr. Christopher Hartnick from Massachusetts Eye and Ear

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
22:00 CET

Register for event: http://bit.ly/321Sleep



Lotta Larsson

Lotta Larsson

Forskning och vetenskap 0735736310


Svenska Downföreningen ökar kunskapen om Downs syndrom och driver påverkansarbete för full delaktighet och självbestämmande. Vi ger personer med Downs syndrom och deras familjer en plattform där de kan göra sina röster hörda och skapar möjligheter för aktiviteter, möten och gemenskap. Föreningen är ideell och rikstäckande med lokala avdelningar.

Svenska Downföreningen

Linnégatan 75
114 60 Stockholm
Tel: 08-730 4825