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”Bridging for a Just Transition” is a lunch seminar focused on the importance of fostering constructive and respectful dialogue among diverse stakeholders to drive meaningful change. Representatives from leading trade unions, environmental organisations, businesses, and the public sector will come together to explore how we can achieve a fair and inclusive transition towards a sustainable future.

After the panel discussion, you will have the opportunity to join a roundtable discussion led by the laureates of the WIN WIN Award✨

This event will be conducted in English and is a collaboration with Business Region Göteborg.

➡️Registration is required: winwinaward.org

#winwinaward #inclusivetransition #justtransition #sustainability #gothenburg #paneldiscussion #workshop #climatepositive #environmentaldiscussion

”Bridging for a Just Transition” is a lunch seminar focused on the importance of fostering constructive and respectful dialogue among diverse stakeholders to drive meaningful change. Representatives from leading trade unions, environmental organisations, businesses, and the public sector will come together to explore how we can achieve a fair and inclusive transition towards a sustainable future. After the panel discussion, you will have the opportunity to join a roundtable discussion led by the laureates of the WIN WIN Award✨ This event will be conducted in English and is a collaboration with Business Region Göteborg. ➡️Registration is required: winwinaward.org #winwinaward #inclusivetransition #justtransition #sustainability #gothenburg #paneldiscussion #workshop #climatepositive #environmentaldiscussion

On Wednesday, October 16, we invite you to the ‘WIN WIN Laureate Lecture 2024,’ held in collaboration with Göteborgs universitet (University of Gothenburg) ✨

This seminar offers a unique opportunity to explore the visionary work of this year’s laureates:

🔹the ITUC Just Transition Centre, laureate of WIN WIN Award 2024
🔸Natur Og Ungdom, laureate of WIN WIN Youth Award 2024.

Both organisations are leading efforts to ensure the green transition is inclusive and fair. Their dedication to social justice and sustainability is helping to shape a future where environmental progress benefits all. Attendees will gain valuable insights into their contributions towards a more equitable and resilient world 🌍

We look forward to seeing you there! 🌱

@ituc_global @naturogungdom @universityofgothenburg

#winwinaward #inclusivetransition #göteborgsuniversitet #naturogungdom #justtransitioncentre #sustainability #climatejustice #environment

On Wednesday, October 16, we invite you to the ‘WIN WIN Laureate Lecture 2024,’ held in collaboration with Göteborgs universitet (University of Gothenburg) ✨ This seminar offers a unique opportunity to explore the visionary work of this year’s laureates: 🔹the ITUC Just Transition Centre, laureate of WIN WIN Award 2024 🔸Natur Og Ungdom, laureate of WIN WIN Youth Award 2024. Both organisations are leading efforts to ensure the green transition is inclusive and fair. Their dedication to social justice and sustainability is helping to shape a future where environmental progress benefits all. Attendees will gain valuable insights into their contributions towards a more equitable and resilient world 🌍 We look forward to seeing you there! 🌱 @ituc_global @naturogungdom @universityofgothenburg #winwinaward #inclusivetransition #göteborgsuniversitet #naturogungdom #justtransitioncentre #sustainability #climatejustice #environment

🎭 Warm welcome to the grand finale of the exhibition Interplay, featuring the 2024 WIN WIN Award laureates: the ITUC Just Transition Centre and Natur Og Ungdom 

This is a unique opportunity to engage directly with the laureates, delve into the topic of inclusive transition, and admire the amazing prize cubes designed by Emeli Höcks.

We are honored to have Giulia Laganà and Diana Junquera Curiel, from the ITUC Just Transition Centre, as well as Gytis Blaževičius from Natur og Ungdom, joining us for the evening ✨️

We look forward to celebrating with you!

In collaboration with Radisson Blu Scandinavia.

@radissonblugothenburg @naturogungdom @ituc_global

#winwinaward #inclusivetransition #exhibition #winwinprizecubes #sustainability #artwork #gothenburg #radissonbluscandinavia #naturogungdom #justtransitioncentre

🎭 Warm welcome to the grand finale of the exhibition Interplay, featuring the 2024 WIN WIN Award laureates: the ITUC Just Transition Centre and Natur Og Ungdom This is a unique opportunity to engage directly with the laureates, delve into the topic of inclusive transition, and admire the amazing prize cubes designed by Emeli Höcks. We are honored to have Giulia Laganà and Diana Junquera Curiel, from the ITUC Just Transition Centre, as well as Gytis Blaževičius from Natur og Ungdom, joining us for the evening ✨️ We look forward to celebrating with you! In collaboration with Radisson Blu Scandinavia. @radissonblugothenburg @naturogungdom @ituc_global @emelihocks #winwinaward #inclusivetransition #exhibition #winwinprizecubes #sustainability #artwork #gothenburg #radissonbluscandinavia #naturogungdom #justtransitioncentre

We are just one month away from the WIN WIN Award Week 2024 ✨

The Award Week will be filled with lectures and workshops, during which the laureates, ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation - ITUC) Just Transition Centre (WIN WIN Award) and NATUR OG UNGDOM (WIN WIN Youth Award), will present their work on inclusive transitions toward a climate-positive world 🌍

There are a few public events that you are welcome to attend. The first one is:

The inauguration of the VG Sustainability Festival (aka Hållbarhetsfestivalen Västra Götaland).

Stay tune for more excitements of the WIN WIN Award Week! 

@ituc_global @naturogungdom @hallbarhetsfestivalenvg 

#winwinaward #inclusivetransition #inauguration #hållbarhetsfestivalen #sustainability #justtransitioncentre #naturogungdom #gothenburg

We are just one month away from the WIN WIN Award Week 2024 ✨ The Award Week will be filled with lectures and workshops, during which the laureates, ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation - ITUC) Just Transition Centre (WIN WIN Award) and NATUR OG UNGDOM (WIN WIN Youth Award), will present their work on inclusive transitions toward a climate-positive world 🌍 There are a few public events that you are welcome to attend. The first one is: The inauguration of the VG Sustainability Festival (aka Hållbarhetsfestivalen Västra Götaland). Stay tune for more excitements of the WIN WIN Award Week! @ituc_global @naturogungdom @hallbarhetsfestivalenvg #winwinaward #inclusivetransition #inauguration #hållbarhetsfestivalen #sustainability #justtransitioncentre #naturogungdom #gothenburg

Last Friday, the panelists shared the results from the two citizens’ assemblies. These assemblies have generated significant engagement from the participants, leading to a variety of proposed solutions to address climate challenges, such as:

🔸 The Swedish government and opposition should collaborate on climate, as they do on pensions and defence

🔸 Integrate climate issues into the school curriculum.

🔸 Investment in more reliable public transportation and train services

🔸 Develop a label for climate-smart products and support

Additionally, Karin Pleijel, Chair of the Climate and Environment Committee in Gothenburg, mentioned during the gathering that the Environmental Administration has requested expert opinions on the recommendations (for example, what is already being done or if anything conflicts with the law) to move the recommendations forward within the committee in Gothenburg. She hopes that national politicians will do the same.

Swipe to hear Leontina Davidson, a participant in the Gothenburg citizens' assembly, sharing her experience.

Learn more about the recommendations on citizens websites. 

#winwinaward #inclusivetransition #medborgarrådomklimatet #demokrati #gothenburg #klimatomställning #citizensassembly

Last Friday, the panelists shared the results from the two citizens’ assemblies. These assemblies have generated significant engagement from the participants, leading to a variety of proposed solutions to address climate challenges, such as: 🔸 The Swedish government and opposition should collaborate on climate, as they do on pensions and defence 🔸 Integrate climate issues into the school curriculum. 🔸 Investment in more reliable public transportation and train services 🔸 Develop a label for climate-smart products and support Additionally, Karin Pleijel, Chair of the Climate and Environment Committee in Gothenburg, mentioned during the gathering that the Environmental Administration has requested expert opinions on the recommendations (for example, what is already being done or if anything conflicts with the law) to move the recommendations forward within the committee in Gothenburg. She hopes that national politicians will do the same. Swipe to hear Leontina Davidson, a participant in the Gothenburg citizens' assembly, sharing her experience. Learn more about the recommendations on citizens websites. #winwinaward #inclusivetransition #medborgarrådomklimatet #demokrati #gothenburg #klimatomställning #citizensassembly

We were delighted to host last Friday's mingle at Frihamnsdagarna, focused on Citizen Assemblies and held in collaboration with CSR Västsverige! The atmosphere was vibrant, with lively discussions flowing in the sun.

Thank you to everyone who joined us, especially Leontina Davisson and Bo-Göran Johnsson for sharing their experiences of attending the Citizen Assemblies, and to Mats Alfredsson and Tim Daw for their valuable insights on organising deliberative processes of this kind 🌞


#winwinaward #frihamnsdagarna #citizensassembly #inspiration #inclusivetransition #democraticprocess

We were delighted to host last Friday's mingle at Frihamnsdagarna, focused on Citizen Assemblies and held in collaboration with CSR Västsverige! The atmosphere was vibrant, with lively discussions flowing in the sun. Thank you to everyone who joined us, especially Leontina Davisson and Bo-Göran Johnsson for sharing their experiences of attending the Citizen Assemblies, and to Mats Alfredsson and Tim Daw for their valuable insights on organising deliberative processes of this kind 🌞 @frihamnsdagarna #winwinaward #frihamnsdagarna #citizensassembly #inspiration #inclusivetransition #democraticprocess

Snart är det dags för Frihamnsdagarna, och för "Vidgade perspektiv i klimatomställningen"✨

Ett mingel som erbjuder möjligheten att nätverka och ta del av processen kring de två medborgarråden, där medborgarna har bjudits för att diskutera om komplexa samhällsfrågor. 

Här kommer Mats Alfredson, projektledare för Göteborgs medborgarråd, och Tim Daw, projektledare för det nationella medborgarrådet, att presentera mer om hur medborgarrådet har implementerats under våren samt vilka framsteg och lösningar som deltagarna har kommit fram till 🌍

Vad krävs för att medborgarråd ska kunna föra dialog om stora samhällsutmaningar?

"Man behöver komma samman, träffas och lyssna till andra människors perspektiv och erfarenheter. Så blev det verkligen under Göteborgs första medborgarråd, och det glädjer mig mycket.” – Mats Alfredson

Vi ses på fredag! 💚

Minglet är ett samarbete med CSR Västsverige.

ENG: During our event at Frihamnsdagarna, Mats Alfredson, project leader for Gothenburg's Citizens' Assembly, and Tim Daw, project leader for the National Citizens' Assembly, will present how the assembly was implemented this spring, the progress that has been made, and how the results will be used to achieve a democratic and inclusive transition.

The event will be held in swedish. Registration required.

#winwinaward #inclusivetransition #frihamnsdagarna #medborgarrådomklimatet #demokrati #gothenburg #klimatomställning #mingel #citizensassembly

Snart är det dags för Frihamnsdagarna, och för "Vidgade perspektiv i klimatomställningen"✨ Ett mingel som erbjuder möjligheten att nätverka och ta del av processen kring de två medborgarråden, där medborgarna har bjudits för att diskutera om komplexa samhällsfrågor. Här kommer Mats Alfredson, projektledare för Göteborgs medborgarråd, och Tim Daw, projektledare för det nationella medborgarrådet, att presentera mer om hur medborgarrådet har implementerats under våren samt vilka framsteg och lösningar som deltagarna har kommit fram till 🌍 Vad krävs för att medborgarråd ska kunna föra dialog om stora samhällsutmaningar? "Man behöver komma samman, träffas och lyssna till andra människors perspektiv och erfarenheter. Så blev det verkligen under Göteborgs första medborgarråd, och det glädjer mig mycket.” – Mats Alfredson Vi ses på fredag! 💚 Minglet är ett samarbete med CSR Västsverige. @frihamnsdagarna _______ ENG: During our event at Frihamnsdagarna, Mats Alfredson, project leader for Gothenburg's Citizens' Assembly, and Tim Daw, project leader for the National Citizens' Assembly, will present how the assembly was implemented this spring, the progress that has been made, and how the results will be used to achieve a democratic and inclusive transition. The event will be held in swedish. Registration required. #winwinaward #inclusivetransition #frihamnsdagarna #medborgarrådomklimatet #demokrati #gothenburg #klimatomställning #mingel #citizensassembly

✨ Frihamnsdagarna börjar närma sig, och vi ser fram emot att välkomna er till minglet ”Vidgade perspektiv i klimatomställningen”.

Här berättar vår verksamhetschef Sara Larsson, tillsammans med Kajsa Humlén Kirbe, verksamhetschef på CSR Västsverige, mer om vad det innebär!

➡️ För mer info, se länken i bio.

Minglet är ett samarbete med CSR Västsverige.

#winwinaward #frihamnsdagarna #medborgarråd #klimatfrågor #klimatomställning #mingel #grönomställning #hållbarhet #medborgarröst

✨ Frihamnsdagarna börjar närma sig, och vi ser fram emot att välkomna er till minglet ”Vidgade perspektiv i klimatomställningen”. Här berättar vår verksamhetschef Sara Larsson, tillsammans med Kajsa Humlén Kirbe, verksamhetschef på CSR Västsverige, mer om vad det innebär! ➡️ För mer info, se länken i bio. Minglet är ett samarbete med CSR Västsverige. #winwinaward #frihamnsdagarna #medborgarråd #klimatfrågor #klimatomställning #mingel #grönomställning #hållbarhet #medborgarröst


Lovisa Ralpher

Lovisa Ralpher

Presskontakt Pressansvarig +46739255089 WIN WIN Awards hemsida

WIN WIN Award belönar banbrytande gärningar till förmån för vår gemensamma framtid.

WIN WIN Award är ett av världens ledande hållbarhetspris. Vi belönar och uppmärksammar enastående lösningar för de mest akuta utmaningarna som världen står inför idag. Priset på 1 miljon SEK har delats ut årligen sedan år 2000 i Göteborg.

WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award

Lagergatan 1
415 02 Gothenburg