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Representatives from Microsoft, Sigma and Karolinska Institutet at the award ceremony at Microsoft's annual conference European Health and AI Summit in Brussels.

Sigma and Dr. Johan Permert from Karolinska won a prize at Microsoft's conference on eHealth and Artificial Intelligence

Sigma IT Consulting and Dr. Johan Permert from Karolinska Institutet won a prestigious award at Microsoft's annual conference in Brussels "European Health and AI Summit".
At the conference, key decision makers from the IT industry, clinics and healthcare professionals around Europe participate as well as policy makers and politicians.
Sigma and Dr. Johan Permert won the award for an MDK solu

David Österlindh, Mikael Damberg, Beatrice Silow and Lars Kry were all pleased with the Minister of Enterprise and Innovation’s visit to Sigma IT Consulting in Gothenburg.

Mikael Damberg, Minister of Enterprise and Innovation, tested e-Health at Sigma in Gothenburg

When Mikael Damberg, Minister of Enterprise and Innovation, visited Sigma IT Consulting in Göteborg on May 8, he got the opportunity to test innovations in eHealth. Using Coala Heart Monitor Mikael Damberg's heart was tested. Coala Heart Monitor is a unique Swedish innovation where the patient himself can measure the heart condition and transfer the results to an online medical caregiver. A recent

Expect a better tomorrow

Sigma is a leading consulting group with an objective to make our customers more competitive. Our means are technological know-how and a constant passion for finding better solutions. In total, we are 5,000 employees in sixteen countries. Our services are provided by Sigma Technology, Sigma Connectivity, Sigma Industry, Sigma Civil, and Sigma Software.

Sigma is owned by Danir, held by the Dan Olofsson family.