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Tengai Launch Website
Tengai Launch Website

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Tengai Unbiased New Website is Launched

On Wednesday, July 3rd Tengai Unbiased website was launched. Visitors can find important information and updates about the innovative AI-robot in an accessible format. Tengai is gaining global attention and the website offers a sign-up form to pre-book your own Tengai, information on the development process, the enhanced candidate experience and much more.

Tengai has performed over 200 trial interviews, traveled with the Tengai-team around the world and conducted independent job interviews during the last phase of development. Over the last couple of months, Tengai has been put to the test to ensure quality performance and client satisfaction. Now the AI-robot has her own website where important information and updates easily can be found. contains everything you need to know about the social interview robot, like where Tengai’s name is from, who manufactured the physical robot head, how Tengai was programmed eg. It also showcases the Tengai blog where AI and candidate experience are discussed as well what events the robot will attend and media Tengai is featured in. The website also offers a sign-up form to the "Waiting List". This is an opportunity for interested clients to pre-book their own Tengai when it’s released in Sweden (end of 2019), and early 2020 in English.

TNG’s Chief Marketing and Experience Officer, Charlotte Ulvros has worked with Tengai since day one and is excited for the new website to be launched. 

”I am pleased to now have a website where all the important facts are collected and somewhere to direct anyone who is interested. Considering all the media attention Tengai has received both in Sweden and internationally we need a platform that contains all the information about the robot and it’s development”

To get the latest news in Swedish, go to TNG’s Tengai-blog.

Welcome to the world of Tengai - tengai-unbiased-com!

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Tengai Job Interview Mitigates Unconscious Bias

Tengai AB is a recently incorporated HR Tech startup in Stockholm, Sweden that is utilizing artificial intelligence and an unbiased recruitment methodology in interview robot Tengai, developed in partnership with social robotics pioneer Furhat Robotics.

The social AI-robot is enhancing the candidate experience, freeing up time and helping recruiters and hiring managers in making objective hiring decisions. The robot was originally a collaboration between recruitment and staffing agency TNG, who programmed the diversity and inclusion software at the TNGx innovation lab, and Furhat Robotics, The robot was originally a collaboration between recruitment and staffing agency TNG, who programmed the diversity and inclusion software at the TNGx innovation lab, and Furhat Robotics, who builds and develops the social AI-robotics platform.

Today Tengai AB continues to partner with Furhat Robotics to continue to develop the next generation of unbiased interview product.


Elin Öberg Mårtenzon

Elin Öberg Mårtenzon

Press contact CEO +46 709 379 645

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Tengai Unbiased

Nordenskiöldsgatan 11
211 19 Malmö, Sweden

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