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Boss Enterprise Inc. responds to a recent study that lists aspects employees' value most.

Boss Enterprise Inc. is the Massachusetts based sales and marketing firm that has entered the New Year with a huge bang! The business is set to continue their success of the last six months well into 2018. The firm is responding to a recent study by Glassdoor that surveyed their 100 highest rated employers, and what their employees valued most about their working environment.

About the firm:

The survey took place across Northern America and Europe and surveyed employees on all aspect of their chosen company, ranging from acts of the CEO to workplace attributes. Boss Enterprise Inc have explored the top five characteristics that came out on top, with plans to ensure their company culture incorporates aspects of all of them.

Employees feel valued: Boss Enterprise Inc. explore how this can consist of acts as little as small words of gratitude to a coffee morning organized by individuals in roles of leadership, to contribute to a positive working environment. The act of ensuring professionals feel their work is recognized, and they have valued an essential business attribute.

Mission-driven company culture: The firm is eager to ensure their contractors are all aware of the brand mission, ensuring individuals feel important within their role and that they are directly contributing to the company culture.

Smart Colleagues: Boss Enterprise Inc. recognizes that behavior and mindsets are contagious, creating a company culture of motivated, and dynamic individual’s breeds. The firm detail how when professionals see their peers advancing, they are more inclined to push their own limits.

Competitiveness: The firm detail how the study found many individuals respond well to competitive compensation, an aspect that comes naturally from the sales and marketing industry. Boss Enterprise Inc. recognizes how individuals who push their limits and monitor their motivation respond well to this particular benefit.

Perks and Benefits: Company benefits have seen immense popularity over recent years, ranging from free breakfasts to gym memberships, encouraging professionals to value their company and its culture further.

Boss Enterprise Inc. is set to continue their success and continues their large emphasis on company culture, the importance of which has vast replications on young professionals and contractors at the firm, which ultimately breeds lower recruitment turnover and further company success.



  • Working Environment


  • boss enterprise inc

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