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F.A.S.T Global Marketing CEO discusses his top 5 qualities that make a great leader

As a passionate business coach and mentor, Mr Tofiq Bolwala, CEO at FAST Global Marketing has shared his top 5 qualities that make for a great leader.

F.A.S.T Global Marketing: About the Firm

F.A.S.T Global Marketing specializes in creating personalized, quality results for their clients and their consumers through face-to-face acquisitions and advertising.

The firm has years of experience increasing brand awareness and enhancing the brand image for all their clients and rely on the ability to forge personal connections. People buy because of people, and this is something that F.A.S.T Global Marketing swears by.

The firm's founder and CEO Tofiq Bolwala believes that five key qualities will help to make a great leader and without them, you'd struggle to drive the direction of the business you want it to go in, they are:


Those in leadership positions often have to make essential yet mostly unpopular decisions within a company. In order to make the right decisions, a great leader needs to be switched on, focused and aware. While other leaders can often get distracted by the competition, a great leader will focus on getting the critical things done within their own business. They must develop an incredible sense of selective ignorance. Otherwise, the less important tasks can build up and bog them down.

Exude Confidence:

A great leader has the extraordinary ability to inspire and instil confidence in their workforce. Through having a clear vision, show empathy to those around them and unwavering support. If the leader shows signs of angst or trepidation, this can often trickle down the hierarchy and cause a number of problems both in the short and long-term success of the business.

Transparency is key:

It's often the case that those higher up the hierarchy can be seen as "wearing a mask". The way to gain trust and inspire others through being 100 percent authentic. It's important to let employees know that what they see is what they are going to get and no surprise.


Employees can often be viewed as a direct reflection of the values their leader embodies. If the playbook encourages a need to be right all the time instead of doing what is right, the business is limited, and its employee’s potential are inhibited. If the leader focuses on authenticity during all interactions, again this will trickle down through the workforce and improve the business and culture.


Passion is often contagious, in order to truly be successful in what you do. You must love what you do, almost obsess over it. Never being satisfied always looking for something bigger, more innovative, and making the company better will reflect well in your fellowship. If you lead by example because you are passionate and want to, not because you have to is key to being a great leader.



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  • f.a.s.t global marketing

Managing Director: Tofiq Bolwala

F.A.S.T Global Marketing specializes in creating personalized, quality results for our clients and their consumers through face-to-face acquisitions and advertising. 


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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