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F.A.S.T Global Marketing host company-wide workshop on the fundamental principles of achievement

Direct sales and marketing experts,  F.A.S.T Global Marketing argues that there are basic principles of achievement that when mastered, create success and the Miami based firm held a company-wide workshop recently on that subject.

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Success doesn’t discriminate; it doesn’t care about age, background, wealth, race and regardless of what someone's background is, success is achieved when the basics have been mastered. F.A.S.T Global Marketing discussed their three fundamental principles of achievement.

1. Consistent action breeds momentum.

When you have momentum on your side, you will see a number of benefits. More often than not challenges that seemed at one point incredibly overwhelming become small bumps in the road. You will be able to make decisions quickly. Small irritating occurrences become irrelevant as you have momentum on your side. Furthermore, you will ooze confidence moving forward.

2.) Achievement becomes a habit and takes over.

Once you are taking action on a consistent basis, you start to have fun, because all of the newfound momentums, as such you are likely to repeat these actions, it then becomes a habit. This tends to happen mentally and then physically. Mentally a habit will form as a new way of thinking about a certain action, and your expectations will change. Instead of always looking for the negatives, you will subconsciously expect good things to happen. You start to become an optimist. Your habits form the backbone of your success. Once you start mentally thinking like a successful person, you day-to-day attitude changes and success becomes inevitable.

3.) High-achievers take regular action

With a can-do attitude, nothing can beat taking action. You might read a great book on success that is good on paper, but nothing can substitute experience, which only happens through taking action.

In the digital age we currently live in, many entrepreneurs can find themselves buried in their comfort zone as tools such as the internet allow for constant opportunities to learn. While continuous learning can never be taken for granted, many budding entrepreneurs can get caught in their comfort zone far too easily. They are afraid to take action.

Others, on the other hand, can take far too long to actually make a decision. They are far too concerned about making the “right” decision. It's important to understand that there are more benefits from making “a decision” than making the right one. If the decision turns out to be the wrong one, learn from it, adapt, and take a new action or go another direction.

F.A.S.T Global Marketing frequently hosts workshops that are designed to help their staff and contractors to develop their knowledge and skill-sets. The firm is avid supporters of entrepreneurship and wants to help create the industry leaders of the future.

F.A.S.T Global Marketing specializes in creating personalized, quality results for their clients and consumers through face-to-face acquisitions and advertising.

The firm has years of experience increasing brand awareness and enhancing the brand image for clients and rely on their ability to forge personal connections. People buy because of people, and this is something that F.A.S.T Global Marketing swears by.


  • Business enterprise


  • fast global marketing


  • England


Tofiq Bolwala 



Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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