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Impress anyone in two seconds with Atlas Corp's top tips.

Sales and Marketing Expert, Atlas Corp , prides itself on creating and building the future generation of entrepreneurs. It knows that creating good first impressions is essential to business success and believes it has found the key to impressing someone in those crucial early seconds. While the phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover,” seems commonplace in the current generation, Atlas Corp is a strong proponent that first impressions are essential at every level of the sales industry. Whether someone is in the field demonstrating new product to customers, or setting up new clients at the manager level, the ability to establish a stable relationship in the first moments of interaction is critical.

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The firm has based its top tip on research carried out in 1992 by Nalini Ambady and Robert Rosenthal, who found during their time at Harvard that first impressions do count. In their experiment, they asked students to rate two-second video clips of professors teaching. Then they took these ratings and compared them with that same professor’s student evaluations after an entire semester of teaching. The result: Teachers who got low video-clip ratings also got poor student evaluations. And teachers who got high ratings on their video clips also received the best student evaluations. The videos were muted, and so the student's impressions were based entirely on appearance and body language. The researchers called this “thin slicing” and concluded that individuals group people together and rarely change their position on people at this point.

With this in mind, Atlas Corp has been working closely with its workforce to make those first moments count. Most importantly, the firm has been focusing on how its workforce holds themselves in their everyday life. It advises each contractor try not to slouch and have a rigid back to present themselves as active and enthusiastic. Further to this, it has been helping contractors with ways to make them appear more friendly, by directly focusing on their facial expressions and prompting each contractor to smile more with each interaction.

With the knowledge that individuals make long-term judgements in the first few moments of a meeting, Atlas Corp believes its crash course on positive body language will provide its contractors with the foundations they need to make a positive impact within the first few seconds of interaction


  • PR, Communication


  • atlas corp


  • England

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