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Ninjja Global discusses the development of AI and how it can be used to accelerate business

Ninjja Global the Miami based direct sales and marketing firm are considered innovators within the industry, and as such are excited for the continuous development of Artificial Intelligence and how this can be moulded and adapted to be beneficial to a world of sales. As such, the company has detailed the top AI trends they are excited for in the coming years.

About the firm:

Ninjja Global are aware of the fear of AI, and it’s rapid development in part due to Hollywood blockbusters shaping people’s thoughts and opinions but also reports from trusted news outlets that AI will directly cause millions of job losses across a variety of industries.

The firm is encouraging others to look toward AI, and it’s rapid development as an opportunity, how they can benefit jobs and industries rather than cause direct loss and detrimental automation. Ninjja Global are hoping their recent statement will change the minds of many to a more positive outlook on the development of technology and what it can benefit to the job market.

A critical aspect of the development of AI is ensuring that automated responses such as customer service systems are moulded into more natural reactions. For example, with a more conversational tone, a more human aspect rather than standardized responses. This element is one which can be directly applied to many services when perfected, meaning higher levels of customer services for consumers.

Ninjja Global continues on the exploration of data analysis, a process that has long yearned to be automated through the work of computer systems but rarely successful. The development of AI sees this closer than ever before to being automated, and efficiently. The ability to correctly summarize data, draw conclusions and provide further options is closer than ever before.

Emotional recognition will continue to develop, through rapidly expanding technology the future could see AI based roles such as counsellors, the ability to recognize and remember every interaction and emotion ever exposed to them from a singular individual. This could have a direct benefit to those struggling with mental health issues that may lack funding for current professional help.

Overall, Ninjja Global is excited for the future of a world that has a healthy relationship with artificial intelligence, the benefits this will present in the current society and further innovations that are set to come along with such an environment. Although many of those predictions mentioned above are years away from implementation, the firm is excited for the much nearer development of AI that will have a direct effect upon the sale and marketing sector.



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Managing Director: Simone Suestsugu

The Ninjja Sensei face-to-face method will be implemented to provide a cost-effective yet thoroughly advanced marketing strategy for your brand.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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