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Janneke. An expressionist portrait of his granddaughter. Painting in Mas.s style.

On his quest to integrate his new techniques into portraiture he chose his first grandchild called Janneke. In a vibrant new form he has portrayed her using colourful swirls to accentuate the expressions in her face. He says "Using various volumes of oil in the build up of the portrait it creates a dynamic and lively picture. Painting in this specific way it is as if I was dressing her up in beauty"

For commissions of portraits or to see other work please send an email to or visit the website at

Other work can be obtained at Gagliardi Gallery, 508 Kings road, Chelsea.


  • Art


  • portraiture
  • expressionism
  • painting


Marcel Schreur

Press contact Visual Artist 0777 232 1772

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