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Staying In To Celebrate - People Plan For A Quiet Night In This New Year's Eve (NYE)

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Staying In To Celebrate - People Plan For A Quiet Night In This New Year's Eve (NYE)

- Over 37 million plan a ‘Big Night In’ for New Year’s[i] – over one million more[ii] than in 2012
- Over six million[iii] people avoid parties altogether and plan to stay in alone
- Revellers tighten their purse strings and plan to spend £9 less than last year
- Party hosts beware – the average cost of damage comes to £82

An increasing number of people plan to shun the traditional ‘big night out’ this New Year’s Eve, as over 37 million UK adults (74 per cent[i] compared to 72 per cent[ii] in 2012) choose to spend the evening celebrating at home or at a friend’s, according to research from Post Office Home Insurance.

The findings reveal that nearly half (46 per cent) plan to spend the evening with their partner or family, and a further 16 per cent plan to have a party at their own home or attend a friend’s house party. On the other hand, over six million UK adults (13 per cent) are forgoing the festivities all together, instead choosing to have a quiet night in alone.

This year, New Year’s revellers are keeping a tighter hold of the purse strings, regardless of whether they’re going out or staying in, and plan to spend an average £50 - £9 less than in 2012. Those looking to save money entertaining at home may be in for a shock, as the cost of hosting a dinner party or other type of house party averages £94 and £82 respectively.

For some it’s a case of looking to ease the cost of Christmas, with one in 10 (10 per cent) planning to party for free and not spend any money.

London continues to live up to its expensive reputation, with residents planning to spend an average £78 - £28 more that the national average on their evening, by far the most of anywhere in the UK [see region break down in notes to eds].

Paul Havenhand, Head of Insurance at Post Office said: “It seems most people are looking forward to a celebratory night in, rather than a ‘big night out’ this New Year, and many are also looking to spend less this year too.

“Our research indicates that hosting a party at your own home can cost just as much as a night out, with the further risk of damage to your belongings. Any homeowners, who do consider hosting a night in, should be sure to check that their insurance is sufficient to cover any accidental damage that may occur.”

When asked about hosting a celebratory event, nearly one in five people who aren’t hosting a party (19 per cent) said they could not as they don’t have the space. Meanwhile, the prospect of damage discouraged others who had concerns about spillages (eight per cent) or breakages (nine per cent). These fears appear to be well-founded, with one in 20 people (five per cent) admitting to having caused damage either at their own home or at someone else’s home during a New Year’s house party. The average cost of damage is £82.

When taking a gift for the host, guests plan to spend on average £18, and (92 per cent) opted to take alcohol. A crafty eight per cent openly admitted to ‘re-gifting’ a Christmas present for a New Year’s Eve celebration, and a further 31 per cent confessed that while they haven’t done this in the past they would consider it on future occasions.


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Post Office Press Office

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Average cost of NYE across the UK

Average cost of NYE

North East


North West


Yorkshire and the Humber


East Midlands


West Midlands


East of England


South East




South West






Northern Ireland




List of damage caused at NYE parties

Accidental damage


Drink spilt on carpet


Food spilt on carpet


A piece of technology damaged (Stereo, Television etc)


A piece of crockery broken


A piece of furniture broken


Mark made on furniture


Mark made on wall


Door broken


Window smashed


[1] 74.45 per cent of the UK population plans to spend an evening at home or at the home of a friend. 74.45 per cent of the UK adult population of 50,371,000 = 37,501,210.

[2] There is a 2 per cent increase of the UK population who plan to spend an evening at home or at the home of a friend since 2012. 2 per cent of the UK population of 50,371,000 = 1,007,420.

[3] 13 per cent of the UK population plans to spend an evening in alone. 13 per cent of the UK population of 50,371,000 = 6,548,230

[4] Research conducted by Opinium research via an online survey of 2,004 UK adults between 29 November and 03 December 2013.

[1] Research conducted by Opinium research via an online survey of 2,010 UK adults between 23-26 November 2012


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The Post Office (Post Office Limited) has an unrivalled national network of over 11,500 branches across the UK, more than all the high street banks combined, and sits at the heart of communities in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. The Post Office has made a commitment to maintaining its network of branches at its current size and reach. It provides around 170 different products and services spanning financial services including savings, insurance, loans, mortgages and credit cards; Government services; telephony; foreign currency; travel insurance and mail services.

The Post Office serves over 17 million customers a week and a third of small businesses. Some 99.7% of the total population live within three miles of a post office and over 97% live with one mile of a post office. For many rural communities, the post office is the only retail outlet. Post Offices branches remain highly valued and trusted, and are the focal point of many communities. For more information, visit

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