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Green Wave host companywide workshop on S.M.A.R.T goal setting

Director at Green Wave, Toby Wilkinson believes that goal setting is crucial to achieving success. The business owner held a companywide workshop this week, explaining why goals need to be S.M.A.R.T.

Green Wave: About the firm

Mr Wilkinson credits his business success to goal setting, and the Green Wave director urges the firm’s contractors to set both micro and macro goals to keep them motivated and inspired. The business owner advocates the power of goal setting and this week he revealed why goals need to be S.M.A.R.T.

1. Specific

It's important to make sure goals are specific. Mr Wilkinson argues that it is crucial that people consider what they want to accomplish, what it will take to make that happen and the 'why' behind their goal. The Green Wave director believes that people fail to follow through on their goals because they are too vague.

2. Measurable

If a goal is not measurable, then progress can’t be tracked, and that is counterproductive. Mr Wilkinson believes that goals have to be measurable because if someone can see that they are edging closer to achieving their goal, then it motivates them to keep going. Simultaneously, if they realise they are not getting any closer, they need to work harder, and it instils a sense of urgency.

3. Attainable

To follow through on goals, it is imperative that they are attainable. “If a goal seems too far out of reach, it can be easy to become demoralised and lose motivation,” argues Mr Wilkinson.

At Green Wave, they contend that for someone to stick to their goals, they have to believe that they are achievable. There is a fine line between making sure goals are exciting and inspiring but within reach. Boring goals are not motivating and will fail to inspire people to take action.

4. Realistic

Green Wave urge their contractors to think big; however, Mr Wilkinson believes that it is critical for goals to be realistic. “I always urge people to dream big, but goals need to be realistic. If goals are too unrealistic then they’ll never be achieved,” commented Mr Wilkinson.

5. Timely

A deadline is vital for instilling a sense of urgency. A timely goal intensifies focus and drive. Mr Wilkinson argues that working under the constraints of a time limit forces people to produce results faster and it stops procrastination.

Green Wave director, Toby Wilkinson consistently sets new goals and the business owner urges the firm’s contractors to set S.M.A.R.T goals to keep them on the path to success.

Green Wave is a community of dedicated sales and marketing professionals; focused on securing wide, more engaged audiences for brands within the financial and charity sectors. The firm is dedicated to the development of their people, and Mr Wilkinson believes that goal setting is pivotal to progressing business development.


  • Business enterprise, General


  • green wave


  • West Midlands


Toby Wilkinson: Director


Green Wave is a community of dedicated sales and marketing professionals: focused on securing wider, more engaged audiences for brands within the financial and charity sectors. We create opportunities for real conversation with consumers and crafting stand out brand experiences.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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