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'Think logically not emotionally’ argues CEO at Boom Media Global, Inc.

During a recent sit-down interview, CEO at Boom Media Global, Inc. Edwin Jacques argued that when it comes to decision-making, people need to think logically not emotionally.

Boom Media Global, Inc.:

‘All my obstacles have taught me to think and act more logically than emotionally. They have enabled me to develop the mentality never to stop pushing forward no matter what form of successes come,’ commented Mr Jacques.

The business owner contends that effective decision-making is pivotal for a business to survive and thrive. The Boom Media Global, Inc. CEO recently read British business magnate, Richard Branson's top tips for making good decisions. Starting his first business at just 17, Branson owns over 200 companies in more than 30 countries. Branson argues that when it comes to decision-making, people need to tackle all reasonable doubt before making a decision and Mr Jacques concurs with that statement.

1. Don't judge a book by its cover

While first impressions definitely count, Branson urges people not to let them influence decision-making. The serial entrepreneur believes that an initial good feeling isn’t enough and that people need to be objective to ensure the right decision is made.

2. Do your homework

"Nothing is perfect, so work hard at uncovering whatever hidden warts the thing might have, and by removing them you’ll only make it better still," Branson said. Branson urges people to carry out significant research to identify any red flags and have all of the information to make a fully informed decision.

3. Avoid making decisions in isolation

When it comes to decision-making, Branson refers to something called "the decision stream," basically assessing how every decision will have an impact on the ability to take on future opportunities. The business owner urges individuals to consider how saying yes to one opportunity can affect any existing projects or priorities and weigh up the risks.

4. Do everything you can to reduce risk

Branson believes that all wise investors find inventive ways to mitigate losses in case things don’t work out as planned.

"For example, when we started Virgin Atlantic, the only way I got my business partners in Virgin Records to begrudgingly accept the risks involved was by getting Boeing to agree to take back our one 747 after a year if things weren’t working out as we hoped," stated Branson.

Boom Media Global, Inc. CEO, Edwin Jacques argues that risk is an inevitable part of business, but managing risk effectively is crucial to achieving success.

5. Give it time

Branson urges people to take time and not rush into any decisions. He believes that it is worth conducting extensive research as having lots of information allows people to make the right decision. Branson argues that if people give themselves more time, they might find better alternatives.

Boom Media Global, Inc. is a young, fresh and dynamic outsourced sales and marketing firm based in West Palm Beach, Florida. Led by a passionate business coach and mentor, Edwin Jacques, the firm is proud to offer a culture of coaching, helping their employees to achieve their goals and reach their potential. Mr Jacques is urging the firm’s workforce to think logically rather than emotionally when it comes to decision-making and to use Richard Branson's five-step process.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • boom media global


Edwin Jacques - CEO


At Boom Media Global, our sole aim is to help the wide variety of companies we work with increase their brand awareness and customer base. Together with our strong work ethic and dedicated workforce, we can help our clients maximize their marketing budgets. We pride ourselves on our ability to combine our insight and expertise to deliver long-term results that will drive performance and guarantee a return on investment.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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