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‘Get obsessed with personal development if you want to be the best’ claims Boom Media Global, Inc.

Boom Media Global, Inc. passionately promotes personal development. CEO Edwin Jacques firmly believes that to become the best; people need to get obsessed with personal growth.

Boom Media Global, Inc.:

CEO at Boom Media Global, Inc. Edwin Jacques is committed to helping everyone who comes through the firm’s doors with the opportunity to achieve their goals and reach their potential. The business owner takes a very hands-on role in the teaching and training at the company. First and foremost, Boom Media Global, Inc. is an outsourced sales and marketing company; however, they are also passionate about development.

Business coach and mentor, Mr Jacques argues that if people want to be the best, they must commit to being a lifelong learner. Mr Jacques credits his thirst for knowledge as the impetus for his success. He argues that if people want to be the best, they need to get obsessed with personal development. This past week during one of the firm’s workshops, Mr Jacques urged the firm’s workforce to commit to continuous learning.

The outsourced sales and marketing experts have fostered a culture of development. Mr Jacques has worked to turn Boom Media Global, Inc. into a hub of education and development. They encourage development by offering one on one coaching and mentoring sessions, optional weekly workshops and seminars, and attendance at industry conferences.

CEO at Boom Media Global, Inc. Edwin Jacques believes that for people to achieve their true potential and become the best, they have to become obsessed with personal development. Mr Jacques is dedicated to self-improvement. He firmly believes that personal development is crucial to success.

‘If you want to be the best, you can’t stand still. I am always looking for avenues to learn, grow and develop,’ commented Mr Jacques.

At Boom Media Global, Inc. personal development is high on the agenda. Mr Jacques has created an environment where education is at the forefront. They urge their workforce to capitalize on every opportunity to expand their knowledge and skill-set.

Boom Media Global, Inc. is a young, fresh and dynamic outsourced sales and marketing firm based in West Palm Beach, Florida. Led by a passionate business coach and mentor, the firm is proud to offer a culture of coaching, helping their employees to achieve their goals and reach their potential. Mr Jacques is urging the firm’s workforce to get obsessed with personal development to allow them to accelerate their career.


  • Business enterprise, General


  • boom media global


Edwin Jacques - CEO


At Boom Media Global, our sole aim is to help the wide variety of companies we work with increase their brand awareness and customer base. Together with our strong work ethic and dedicated workforce, we can help our clients maximize their marketing budgets. We pride ourselves on our ability to combine our insight and expertise to deliver long-term results that will drive performance and guarantee a return on investment.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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