Press release -

Mas.s wins 2 prizes at the Chianchiano International Art Award 2012 in Italy.

The European Confederation of Art Critics, surprised Mas.s by awarding him the 3rd prize in the Art Critic award. Furthermore he received a honorable mention for Artistic merit. He says " I went in my t shirt, shorts and slippers to the award winning as I thought I did not stand a chance in this distinguished, reputable and classy field of Visual Artists."The various art critics thought different.

The award exhibition was judged by renowened experts and was curated by specialists that have staged shows in museums as the Victoria and Albert and the Leighton Museum In London and was judged by International panels from organisations such as the European Confederation of Art Critics, The Anglo Italian society of Art Critics and the Oxford University Alumni Group. The Panels where chaired by Lonnie Schlein,  Leading photo editor at the New York Times at the time of 9/11 with 35 years of experience at this important news paper.

Mas.s says " I am both moved and surprised".  He goes on "I am a little insecure, I guess that I have to start to believe all the comments from inside and outside the Art world that my work is radically new and moving, I am a simple soul trying to depict what I have experienced and see."

This achievement is not a small feat for an artist that only started to paint in oil 8 months ago.

He says "I hope that this may lead to attention and recognition from my home soil in the UK, I love to spread my best intentions this way.  In the meantime I will just continue on the wonderful journey and keep painting  these beautiful life lessons, that is what I really love."

On the picture in the Museo d Arte in Chianchiano, Italy you can see him beside his work "Where did that come from !?". In the background you can see his works "Faces" and "New Dawn"

More of his work and developments can be viewed on, you can contact him on



  • Education


  • artaward
  • expressionism
  • painting

Mas.S is my artist name.  I have  found the creativity to express myself through the following paintings. I have painted some elementary topics in society at large in a new, fresh and colourful way. I hope you like it and be blessed through them. Love and Prayers. Mas.S


Marcel Schreur

Press contact Visual Artist 0777 232 1772

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