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The Art of Craftsmanship! Illusionistic décors and sculptural vase objects by Rosenthal and Rosenthal meets Versace

The Art of Craftsmanship! Illusionistic décors and sculptural vase objects by Rosenthal and Rosenthal meets Versace

From the first glance enigmatic, but delicate and with a strong character, - this is how openly the décors of the services and vases by Rosenthal and Rosenthal meets Versace play with the eye of the beholder. Light also plays a significant role in this process. It creates a proper frame for designs on the edge between art and sculpture, thus highlighting the excellence of porcelain as a material.

An Eye-Catcher of Optical Illusion: New Rosenthal Node vases by Martin Hirth

An Eye-Catcher of Optical Illusion: New Rosenthal Node vases by Martin Hirth

Node “Lava”/ Design: Martin Hirth
Intertwined shape, flowing lines, soft porcelain - the ingredients of the Node vase are simple, and the result is captivating. Designer Martin Hirth, one of the most acclaimed German newcomers of recent years, plays with common visual practices and at the same time puts them into question: with Node he fixes the moment of the usually only temporary and not stat

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Porcelain made by Rosenthal

Rosenthal stands for innovation and design, quality, exquisite craftsmanship and finest porcelain. Since 1879.

Rosenthal GmbH

Philip-Rosenthal-Platz 1
95100 Selb

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