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​Greenmount stroke survivor backs Stroke Association’s FAST message

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​Greenmount stroke survivor backs Stroke Association’s FAST message

Stroke survivor David Hiscott, 48, from Greenmount, is urging people in Bury to be aware of the warning signs of stroke, and share the FAST message to help save more lives.

David, a father of two, is a Sales Director for Digital Care, an international mobile phone insurance company, frequently travelling all over the world. Hugely passionate about health and fitness, he ate healthily, never smoked, drank moderately and exercised almost every day.

However David was working from home on Monday 11 December 2017, when he experienced a dull headache, which he thought was unusual.

David said: “I took painkillers and started to write an email, which I soon realised didn’t make any sense. I noticed my left hand wasn’t working and I suddenly felt very cold. I grabbed my phone and lay down on the floor. I could lift my right leg, but when I went to do the same with my left, it didn’t move. I looked in the reflection of my phone and while my face hadn’t dropped, when I started to speak I was slurring. I recognised the symptoms of stroke and realised things weren’t good.”

David called his wife Emma, a nurse, who phoned an ambulance immediately. After being taken to Fairfield Hospital, he quickly had a CT scan and was taken straight to the stroke ward. Fortunately, David’s recovery was good and he was able to spend Christmas Day at home with his family.

David’s stroke has left him with weakness on his left side. He added: “Initially I was completely paralysed down my left side; I had zero balance and no feeling at all. After three days I was doing leg raises in my bed and fortunately have made good progress since. However, my hand is only just starting to make very small movements again.

“I’ve been lucky to have great support from my family, friends and work. My family is very close, and my daughters Freya, 11, and Anya, 8, have been remarkably strong. All our friends have been extremely supportive.

“I think stroke is hugely misunderstood, and don’t think people realise how long the recovery process is. People often assume that once you’re discharged and return home, you are nearly there, whereas in fact it’s only just the start of the long journey to recovery.”

The Stroke Association is raising awareness of the signs of stroke, calling on people to learn the symptoms, and call 999 as soon as they spot them.

The FAST test helps people recognise the most common symptoms of a stroke and the right action to take:

FACE: Can the person smile? Has their mouth or eye drooped?

ARMS: Can the person raise both arms?

SPEECH: Can the person speak clearly and understand what you say?

TIME to call 999

Chris Larkin, Zone Director at the Stroke Association, said: “Stroke can happen to anyone at any age, at any time, and when it strikes, every second counts.

“A stroke is a medical emergency, so recognising the signs and calling 999 for an ambulance is crucial. The quicker a person arrives at a specialist stroke unit, the quicker they will receive appropriate treatment. That’s why we’re calling on people in Bury to learn the FAST test and share it with their friends and family. Knowing how to spot the warning signs of a stroke could save a life.”

To find out more about the FAST test, and the Stroke Association’s work to raise awareness of the warning signs of stroke, visit  



  • A stroke is a brain attack which happens when the blood supply to the brain is cut off, caused by a clot or bleeding in the brain. There are more than 100,000 strokes in the UK each year; that is around one stroke every five minutes. There are over 1.2 million people in the UK living with the effects of stroke. 
  • Stroke Association is a charity. We believe in life after stroke and together we can conquer stroke. We work directly with stroke survivors and their families and carers, with health and social care professionals and with scientists and researchers. We campaign to improve stroke care and support people to make the best recovery they can. We fund research to develop new treatments and ways of preventing stroke. The Stroke Helpline (0303 303 3100) provides information and support on stroke. More information can be found at
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    The Stroke Association. We believe in life after stroke. That’s why we campaign to improve stroke care and support people to make the best possible recovery. It’s why we fund research to develop new treatments and ways to prevent stroke. The Stroke Association is a charity. We rely on your support to change lives and prevent stroke. Together we can conquer stroke.

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