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Experience Peru at SIAL Paris !

SIAL Paris 2018
This year CBI and Nutrimarketing France will support Promperu and over 40 Peruvian companies in organising a number of side events in and around the Peruvian pavilion in hall 8. Some of the activities we will support are:

  • A cocktail event with Peruvian drinks and snacks for press and invited guests
  • Tasting sessions with typical Peruvian ingredients during the five days of SIAL
  • Presentation session about the Peruvian black Alfonso Olive and the results of a sensorial studies performed by Oleica from Spain

Some of our companies that will exhibit in Hall 8 at SIAL Paris are:

Scheduling a meeting with these companies is very easy via the SIAL app, but feel free to contact us as well.

Other interesting news and developments:

  • This September, CBI and Healthy Marketing Team organised a first Four Factor Masterclass in Peru, supporting Peruvian food companies in developing and positioning their healthy and natural food products in the market
  • Together with Campden BRI we organised a second new product development workshop in Bogota this September; bringing together around 30 Colombian food processing companies.
  • CBI and the Peruvian olive sector will present the results of their characterisation study for black Peruvian alfonso olives, performed by Oleica Spain, during an industry workshop on the 24th of October, at SIAL
  • We supported the implementation of an online traceability system for the quinoa sector in the Ayacucho region of Peru, provding quinoa growers and exporters with better tools to track their crop and product through-out the chain.
  • We are making good progress with our sacha inchi snack novel food dossier application and hope to file for application very soon. 


  • Food industry

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