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Categories: water purifiers

Plastic collected for recycling or landfill (iStock image)

A grim legacy looms without action being taken on our relationship with plastic

By late 2015 around 5,800 million tons of plastic waste had been generated, with 60% discarded to landfills or the natural environment, such as the oceans. According to the World Economic Forum, an estimated 8 billion tons of plastic are still being dumped into our oceans every year, most of which fragments into microplastic particles.

Dee Caffari Dee is the first woman to have sailed solo, non-stop, around the world against the prevailing winds and currents  (Credit: Rich Edwards)

Dee Caffari: Time to end complacency about lack of safe water for one-third of humanity

Bluewater global brand ambassador Dee Caffari is a record breaking sailor. As the first woman to have sailed single-handed and non-stop around the world in both directions, Dee knows all about the need to stay properly hydrated. In her latest exclusive blog for Bluewater, Dee calls for an end to the complacency around wasting the planet's precious water reserves.

Yoga is a great way to stay vibrant and healthy. And drinking purified water from Bluewater is a perfect companion to a yoga session (and in between) as it helps keep the body both charged and balanced as well as avoiding putting toxins back into it.

Celebrating International Yoga Day!

Yoga is a great way to stay vibrant and healthy. And drinking purified water from Bluewater is a perfect companion to a yoga session (and in between) as it helps keep the body both charged and balanced as well as avoiding putting toxins back into it.

The joys of open water swimming

The joys of open water swimming

A great sense of freedom can come from swimming in the sea. Bluewater swim champ Adam Paulsson explains how he loves the unique challenge of open-water swims in oceans, lakes and rivers. (Photo: Magnus Peterson)

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Bluewater innovates, manufactures and commercializes globally a complete range of premium reverse osmosis water purifiers for residential, business and public use

Bluewater is a world leader innovating, manufacturing, and commercializing water purification technologies and solutions for residential, business and public dispensing applications. Bluewater harnesses patented reverse osmosis technology to remove 99.97% of pollutants from water, including lead, bacteria, pesticides, medical residues, chlorine, microplastics and lime-scale.


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114 26 Stockholm