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New simulation study paves the way for enhanced safety for container traffic to CMP’s new container terminal in Ydre Nordhavn

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New simulation study paves the way for enhanced safety for container traffic to CMP’s new container terminal in Ydre Nordhavn

In collaboration with Force Technology, DanPilot, the Danish Maritime Authority, and By & Havn, CMP has recently conducted a comprehensive simulation study at Force Technology’s full-mission simulator in Lyngby. The purpose of the study was to assess conditions to ensure the safe arrival and departure of container vessels at the new container terminal in Ydre Nordhavn.

Focus on safe navigation and fairway markings
The study involved a broad range of realistic sailing simulations with various types of container vessels differing in size, manoeuvrability, and equipment. These exercises were conducted under diverse loading conditions, wind and current directions, and strengths to test the operational boundaries for vessels manoeuvring to and from the quay. Importantly, the simulation models included a completed representation of Lynetteholm.

Two different approach routes to the terminal were tested, with particular attention given to the shallow area located just 150 metres north of the quay, where the water depth is only 10 metres and where vessels have limited space to manoeuvre.

A critical component of the exercises was assessing the need for fairway markings at strategic points along the approach to and from the terminal, ensuring clear guidance for vessels under all wind and current conditions.

Expert contribution and collaboration
The simulation was conducted in close collaboration with several seasoned maritime experts. Alongside CMP’s own team, engineers and simulation instructors from Force Technology, DanPilot’s Chief Port Pilot, and four other experienced port pilots participated. Project leaders from By & Havn also attended as observers, ensuring a comprehensive inclusion of specialised expertise. This collaboration is expected to provide a solid foundation for future operations.

The new container terminal is expected to be put into operation in the second quarter of 2025, offering a shorter entry route and continued fossil-free operations, in line with CMP's concrete goal to reach net-zero emissions in its own operations by 2025.


Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Press contact Chief Communications & Sustainability Officer +46 70 252 00 98

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