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Mynewsdesk-Studie 2025: PR – kurz vor dem mentalen Limit?

Stärkung der Resilienz in der PR: Neue lösungsorientierte Studie für 2025

Die Mynewsdesk GmbH stellt ihre neue PR- und Kommunikationsstudie vor. Diese umfassende Analyse mit dem Titel „PR – kurz vor dem mentalen Limit? Wieso Organisationen und Beschäftigte widerstandsfähiger werden müssen. Und wie sie es werden.“ bietet wertvolle Einblicke in die Herausforderungen, denen Kommunikationsprofis heute gegenüberstehen.

Die wichtigsten PR-Events im ersten Halbjahr 2025

Die wichtigsten PR-Events im ersten Halbjahr 2025

Persönliche Beziehungen und der direkte Austausch gewinnen wieder an Bedeutung und erleben ein Revival, wie wir es seit Jahren nicht mehr gesehen haben. Damit Sie Ihre Kalender optimal planen können, haben wir die spannendsten PR-Events des ersten Halbjahrs für Sie zusammengestellt.

Mynewsdesk launcht neue Funktion "Pitch"

Mynewsdesk launcht neue Funktion "Pitch"

Mynewsdesk, Anbieter der gleichnamigen smarten Cloud-Lösung für eine effiziente Medien-Kommunikation, launcht heute eine neue Funktion. "Pitch" heißt das smarte Outreach-Tool, das PR-Profis und Kommunikationsverantwortlichen ab sofort zur Verfügung steht.

Louise Barnekow, CEO von Mynewsdesk, teilt Ihre Key Takeaways vom ARRtist Summit in Berlin

Louise Barnekow, CEO von Mynewsdesk, teilt Ihre Key Takeaways vom ARRtist Summit in Berlin

Louise Barnekow, CEO von Mynewsdesk, nahm kürzlich am diesjährigen ARRtist Summit in Berlin teil und brachte nicht nur spannende Eindrücke mit, sondern teilte auch Ihre Expertise auf der Bühne. Ihre wichtigsten Trends und Erkenntnisse von der ARRtist 2024, liefern wertvolle Impulse für Unternehmen, die die Zukunft von SaaS aktiv mitgestalten wollen.

Mynewsdesk und UHLMANN PR: Partnerschaft für werteorientierte Kommunikation

Mynewsdesk und UHLMANN PR: Partnerschaft für werteorientierte Kommunikation

Mynewsdesk, die führende Plattform für digitales PR-Management, freut sich, die strategische Partnerschaft mit UHLMANN PR bekannt zu geben, einer renommierten Full-Service-PR-Agentur mit Sitz in Stuttgart. Durch diese Partnerschaft kann UHLMANN PR ihren Kunden PR-Lösungen von noch größerem Mehrwert bieten.

Alarmierende Studie von Mynewsdesk:  Fast 60% der PR-Fachleute in Deutschland kämpfen mit einer beruflichen Identitätskrise

Alarmierende Studie von Mynewsdesk: Fast 60% der PR-Fachleute in Deutschland kämpfen mit einer beruflichen Identitätskrise

In seiner Studie „PR und Kommunikation in Deutschland 2024“ geht das Unternehmen der zentralen Frage nach, welche Rolle die PR- und Kommunikationsbranche in der heutigen Zeit der Veränderungen spielt. Insgesamt 200 PR- und Kommunikationsfachleute sowie ForscherInnen und BranchenexpertInnen standen Mynewsdesk Rede und Antwort. Herausgekommen ist ein Branchenbild, das Besorgnis und Zuversicht gleich

Social Media

Our latest PR report shows that 47% of communication professionals in the Nordic region are hesitant to explore generative AI solutions. New technology requires adaptation, and this has us reflecting on how best to integrate new tools into our daily work.🤖

Elin Eidewing, Head of Content at Mynewsdesk, has chosen to embrace AI within her team. She's witnessed how AI not only sparks creativity and simplifies research, but also enhances the team's efficiency. AI has been a game-changer in streamlining workflows, especially by cutting down the time needed for tedious tasks such as transcribing audio files from research or interviews. Maintaining an open dialogue about the pros and cons of AI is essential for learning and growing together as a team.

How about your team? Are you paving the way in inspiring them to embrace change? For more insights into the PR and Communication landscape in 2024, click the link in our bio. 
#PRReport #AI #Mynewsdesk

Our latest PR report shows that 47% of communication professionals in the Nordic region are hesitant to explore generative AI solutions. New technology requires adaptation, and this has us reflecting on how best to integrate new tools into our daily work.🤖 Elin Eidewing, Head of Content at Mynewsdesk, has chosen to embrace AI within her team. She's witnessed how AI not only sparks creativity and simplifies research, but also enhances the team's efficiency. AI has been a game-changer in streamlining workflows, especially by cutting down the time needed for tedious tasks such as transcribing audio files from research or interviews. Maintaining an open dialogue about the pros and cons of AI is essential for learning and growing together as a team. How about your team? Are you paving the way in inspiring them to embrace change? For more insights into the PR and Communication landscape in 2024, click the link in our bio. . . . #PRReport #AI #Mynewsdesk

What an energising morning at Sentralen in Oslo🇳🇴 It was wonderful to connect with industry expert Erik Waatland, along with Anne-Lise Mørch von der Fehr, Andreas Nyheim, and Hilde Tunge, as we explored the insights of our 2024 State of Nordic PR report and addressed its findings.

Our discussion delved into key topics like:
1️⃣ The changing role of communicators in navigating a socially divided landscape.
2️⃣ Shifts in the identity of communication professionals and how it affects their work.
3️⃣ Understanding the essential role communicators play within organisations.

The landscape is changing quickly for several reasons. As communicators, we have the opportunity to influence the narrative and, to some extent, the responsibility to take charge of our agenda.

Big thanks to Erik for leading engaging discussions! It was a morning filled with valuable insights and inspiration.

#MynewsdeskEvent #PR #Communication #Oslo #Mynewsdesk #NordicPR #PRReport

What an energising morning at Sentralen in Oslo🇳🇴 It was wonderful to connect with industry expert Erik Waatland, along with Anne-Lise Mørch von der Fehr, Andreas Nyheim, and Hilde Tunge, as we explored the insights of our 2024 State of Nordic PR report and addressed its findings. Our discussion delved into key topics like: 1️⃣ The changing role of communicators in navigating a socially divided landscape. 2️⃣ Shifts in the identity of communication professionals and how it affects their work. 3️⃣ Understanding the essential role communicators play within organisations. The landscape is changing quickly for several reasons. As communicators, we have the opportunity to influence the narrative and, to some extent, the responsibility to take charge of our agenda. Big thanks to Erik for leading engaging discussions! It was a morning filled with valuable insights and inspiration. #MynewsdeskEvent #PR #Communication #Oslo #Mynewsdesk #NordicPR #PRReport

AI is a mirror of our society and our values ☄
It is designed to ruminate on and amplify what we share with it. This is especially important today when considering gender and diversity on a larger scale.

Last Friday, our CEO, Louise Barnekow took part in an important panel discussion organized by Amazon Web Services (AWS). She was joined by ⭐️ Theo Hultberg Tolv and Filippa Hasselström, with Christine Cederberg from Deloitte moderating. The panel explored the vital role of diversity in the tech industry, especially now with the rise of Generative AI. The panel discussed a range of topics, including:

1️⃣ Tech plays an important role in reflecting society’s diversity, especially by valuing women’s contributions in technology and product areas. As technology becomes a part of all aspects of life, it’s crucial to have diverse groups providing feedback. This is even more important now with the rise of Generative AI and the use of Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF).

2️⃣ Transparent Recruitment Practices focus on the importance of clear and fair hiring methods throughout all levels of an organization. At Mynewsdesk, we follow a process that includes set interview questions and varied hiring panels to address and reduce unconscious biases. Notably, we have achieved a 60/40 gender ratio in managerial positions, with a majority of women.

3️⃣ Top-Down Commitment: Stressed the importance of gender diversity advocacy from the highest echelons of leadership. Grassroots efforts are commendable, but genuine change requires steadfast commitment from boards and executives.

#diversity #internationalwomensday #genderequality #mynewsdesk

AI is a mirror of our society and our values ☄ It is designed to ruminate on and amplify what we share with it. This is especially important today when considering gender and diversity on a larger scale. Last Friday, our CEO, Louise Barnekow took part in an important panel discussion organized by Amazon Web Services (AWS). She was joined by ⭐️ Theo Hultberg Tolv and Filippa Hasselström, with Christine Cederberg from Deloitte moderating. The panel explored the vital role of diversity in the tech industry, especially now with the rise of Generative AI. The panel discussed a range of topics, including: 1️⃣ Tech plays an important role in reflecting society’s diversity, especially by valuing women’s contributions in technology and product areas. As technology becomes a part of all aspects of life, it’s crucial to have diverse groups providing feedback. This is even more important now with the rise of Generative AI and the use of Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF). 2️⃣ Transparent Recruitment Practices focus on the importance of clear and fair hiring methods throughout all levels of an organization. At Mynewsdesk, we follow a process that includes set interview questions and varied hiring panels to address and reduce unconscious biases. Notably, we have achieved a 60/40 gender ratio in managerial positions, with a majority of women. 3️⃣ Top-Down Commitment: Stressed the importance of gender diversity advocacy from the highest echelons of leadership. Grassroots efforts are commendable, but genuine change requires steadfast commitment from boards and executives. #diversity #internationalwomensday #genderequality #mynewsdesk

According to Mynewsdesk’s ”State of Nordic PR and Communication 2024,” 47% of communicators have no interest in using generative AI. But ignoring it won’t make it go away… or help. 

AI expert Andrew Bruce Smith, a member of the expert panel consulted for the report, advocates for embracing the potential of AI. Rather than replacing humans, it should be seen as a tool for enhancing human capabilities.

Find more statistics around AI and explore Smith’s valuable insights by downloading the full report through link in bio👆🏼
 #AI #CareerGrowth #Mynewsdesk

According to Mynewsdesk’s ”State of Nordic PR and Communication 2024,” 47% of communicators have no interest in using generative AI. But ignoring it won’t make it go away… or help. AI expert Andrew Bruce Smith, a member of the expert panel consulted for the report, advocates for embracing the potential of AI. Rather than replacing humans, it should be seen as a tool for enhancing human capabilities. Find more statistics around AI and explore Smith’s valuable insights by downloading the full report through link in bio👆🏼 . . . #AI #CareerGrowth #Mynewsdesk

As many as 52% of PR professionals in the Nordics say their roles have changed so much they face a professional identity crisis 👀

Erik Waatland, from @medier24 will be joined by Anne-Lise Mørch von der Fehr, Andreas Nyheim and Hilde Tunge to dive into this and other findings in  our 2024 State of Nordic PR report and discuss how to tackle them.

Join the conversation at our breakfast seminar at Sentralen, Øvre Slottsgate 3, in Oslo on the 14th of March. Sign up through the link in bio👆🏼

As many as 52% of PR professionals in the Nordics say their roles have changed so much they face a professional identity crisis 👀 Erik Waatland, from @medier24 will be joined by Anne-Lise Mørch von der Fehr, Andreas Nyheim and Hilde Tunge to dive into this and other findings in our 2024 State of Nordic PR report and discuss how to tackle them. Join the conversation at our breakfast seminar at Sentralen, Øvre Slottsgate 3, in Oslo on the 14th of March. Sign up through the link in bio👆🏼

AI isn’t just the future—it’s the present! Our latest Nordic report shows that 88% of PR & Communication Professionals are already harnessing the power of generative AI, so there’s no denying its impact. But here’s the thing: 48% are admitting to feeling a bit uneasy about falling behind in AI skills. Which percentage do you belong too? 

Find more interesting facts in our latest trend report and how you can leverage AI to supercharge your strategies. Link in bio.
#AI #PR #Mynewsdesk #TrendReport

AI isn’t just the future—it’s the present! Our latest Nordic report shows that 88% of PR & Communication Professionals are already harnessing the power of generative AI, so there’s no denying its impact. But here’s the thing: 48% are admitting to feeling a bit uneasy about falling behind in AI skills. Which percentage do you belong too? Find more interesting facts in our latest trend report and how you can leverage AI to supercharge your strategies. Link in bio. . . . #AI #PR #Mynewsdesk #TrendReport

AI’s impact is shaped by how we wield it — it’s neither inherently good nor bad. As PR professionals, it’s evident that AI is reshaping our landscape. Staying ahead means more than adapting to market shifts; it’s about safeguarding our field from potential misuse. Now, more than ever, our industry relies on human insight, creativity, and ethical discernment to navigate these changes. 

After a transformative year, where we embarked on a significant AI-journey, our CEO Louise Barnekow shares her learnings and insights - find her full piece through link in bio! 
#AI #PR #Communication #SaaS #Innovation #Mynewsdesk

AI’s impact is shaped by how we wield it — it’s neither inherently good nor bad. As PR professionals, it’s evident that AI is reshaping our landscape. Staying ahead means more than adapting to market shifts; it’s about safeguarding our field from potential misuse. Now, more than ever, our industry relies on human insight, creativity, and ethical discernment to navigate these changes. After a transformative year, where we embarked on a significant AI-journey, our CEO Louise Barnekow shares her learnings and insights - find her full piece through link in bio! . . . #AI #PR #Communication #SaaS #Innovation #Mynewsdesk


Tina Leithold

Tina Leithold

Pressekontakt Marcomms Mynewsdesk DACH PR, Kommunikation, Marketing +49 159 04 37 90 84
Kristina Pilkinton

Kristina Pilkinton

Pressekontakt Country Manager Geschäftsführung


Mynewsdesk ist die smarte Lösung für eine effiziente Medien-Kommunikation. Auf einer einzigartigen Plattform in der Cloud bündeln Anwender all ihre externen Kommunikationsaktivitäten an einem Ort und erreichen wirksam mit wenigen Klicks die richtigen Kanäle, Medien und Kontakte für deren Content. Dank der intelligenten Tools und des integrierten Newsrooms von Mynewsdesk erhöhen Unternehmen oder Organisationen im Handumdrehen ihre Sichtbarkeit, steigern die Effizienz und machen Medien-Kommunikation endlich klar messbar. Der Hauptsitz von Mynewsdesk ist in Stockholm, in Deutschland hat das Unternehmen Standorte in Leipzig sowie in München, die sich um Vertrieb und Marketing in der DACH-Region kümmern. Mehr Informationen zu Mynewsdesk finden Sie auch unter: www.mynewsdesk.com/de-de/