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NorthSide will be the first large festival with 100 percent green electricity

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NorthSide will be the first large festival with 100 percent green electricity

Denmark's most sustainable festival, NorthSide, will be even more climate-friendly in the future, by being the first festival of its size, 100% based on green electricity from the power supply. It is a groundbreaking milestone that will hopefully inspire globally, says Martin Thim, Sustainability & Partner Manager at NorthSide.

Over the years, NorthSide has continuously worked on optimizing its green profile with initiatives such as waste sorting, resource recycling, green transport, and reduction of plastic consumption. Now the sustainability of the festival goes above and beyond through a groundbreaking initiative, which makes it possible to use only green electricity from the electricity network during the NorthSide in the future.

"We are beyond excited to achieve this, as it is going to be a game changer for the entire industry. Apart from our Norwegian sister-festival Øya, which is about half our size, no other festival utilizes solely green electricity from the electricity network in consideration of climate and environment. We are, as far as we know, the first festival of our size to do so. We are super proud to be at the forefront of the industry and it lives up to our ambition of making the NorthSide the most sustainable festival in the world and a major inspiration for other festivals world-wide,” says Martin Thim, Sustainability & Partner Manager at NorthSide.

Industry leader
Aarhus Municipality's Climate Fund has provided the necessary funding to establish a power supply on the event site ensuring access to the electricity required to conduct NorthSide. This also means that the power supply will be available for all other upcoming events in Eskelunden - from cultural and exercise events to large individual concerts - and of course, NorthSide.

”We are excited that the municipality agree on how important it is to be able to offer green electricity at the event site. Roughly speaking, NorthSide will be reducing CO2 consumption by a minimum of 88 tonnes of CO2 per year. That itself is an enormous sustainable victory, but it also provides a foundation to develop other new energy-efficient initiatives, an example being replacing gas used in the food stalls. We also get the opportunity to enter into new collaborations based on sustainable, innovative solutions,” says Martin Thim and continues:

”If we as a society and the world are to exist in the long run, we must all take responsibility. That is why we are proud to take the lead - and we are pleased that Aarhus Municipality also sees the sustainable running of events in Eskelunden as a relevant contribution to the municipality’s ambition of becoming CO2 neutral by 2030.”

NorthSide will take place 3. - 5. June 2021.

Facts about NorthSide's green electricity:
Aarhus Municipality's Climate Fund has granted DKK 2.1 million Danish kroner for the complete establishment of electricity supply at Eskelunden

  • It includes the establishment of an additional 1.725 amperes of power as well as the design and redesign of electrical panels. Eskelunden is developed with support from Salling Fonden and is intended to host anything from cultural and exercise events to large individual concerts - and of course, NorthSide.

The upgrade means that the NorthSide will be 100 percent based on the green electricity in the future.

The initiative represents a groundbreaking milestone for the entire industry and an important step in NorthSide's green transformation, which has so far included waste sorting, resource recycling, green transport, and reduction of plastic consumption.


NorthSide 2021 afvikles i Eskelund ved Aarhus.

Besøg NorthSide.dk eller Facebook for mere om NorthSide.



Pressekontakt +45 48 88 00 81

Lars Esmarch

Pressekontakt PR Manager Presse & Kommunikation 48888811 northside.dk/presse

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NorthSide afholdes i Eskelunden, Aarhus

NorthSide har på ti år udviklet sig fra en juni-dag på Tangkrogen med fem danske navne i 2010 og to udsolgte dage i Ådalen ved Aarhus med internationale topnavne i 2011 til en prisvindende festival i verdensklasse med 35.000 gæster og gennem tiden navne som Radiohead, Frank Ocean, Björk og Nick Cave på plakaten.

Både 2014 og 2015 var udsolgt med 35.000 gæster, og i 2017 var den tidligst udsolgte i festivalens historie og største med 40.000 gæster. NorthSide kunne i 2019 fejre 10-års jubilæum sammen med blandt andre New Order, Major Lazer, Khalid, Migos og Bon Iver.

NorthSide har et højt ambitionsniveau, der ikke kun reflekteres i et stort musikbudget og et ønske om at bringe endnu flere internationale topnavne til Aarhus, men også i et konstant arbejde for at stille de bedst mulige faciliteter til rådighed, når det kommer til lyd, lys og sceneopbygning, så både musikere og publikum vil få en fantastisk oplevelse på festivalen. Musikken vil altid være det vigtigste på NorthSide, og når kernepublikummet er kvalitetsbevidste musikelskere, skal dette naturligvis reflekteres både i programmet og i omgivelserne.

NorthSide har slået sig op på kerneværdierne Innovation, Bæredygtighed og Musik, og de tre punkter er fortsat i fokus både i det forberedende arbejde, på selve festivalpladsen, og når der skal vælges samarbejdspartnere. Eksempelvis er alt materiale til NorthSide trykt på stenpapir, som er den mest bæredygtige papirløsning, og man har eksperimenteret med ølkrus, der var lavet af mælkesukker fra majs og gulerødder, der nedbrydes i jorden efter et par måneder. I 2017 kunne man desuden præsentere et udvalg af mad, der som den første festival i Danmark var 100% økologisk på tværs af alle madboder samt artist- og crewcatering.

Fra festivalens side er man desuden interesseret i at aktivere det aarhusianske erhvervsliv samt trække på de enorme ressourcer, byen har at tilbyde både på uddannelsesinstitutionerne og i de forskellige foreninger og organisationer, der gennem året forsøger at sætte sit præg på byen. Dette er indtil videre blandt andet sket gennem workshops på Aarhus Universitet, oprettelse af en camino på Brabrandstien, forskellige barer på festivalpladsen, diverse kunstprojekter samt udviklingen af en bæredygtigheds- og innovationsstrategi.

Festivalen har gennem årene samarbejdet med Tuborg, AROS, Mejlgade For Mangfoldighed, Aarhus Kommune, GAFFA, Innovation Lab, WorldPerfect, SPOT Festival, Kaospiloterne, AU Center for Entreprenørskab og Innovation. Kunstakademiet, Arkitektskolen, Oppenheimer og mange andre for at skabe en innovativ festival, hvor det primære fokus naturligvis er på musikken, men hvor der er også plads til kreativitet, udsving, opfindsomhed, skævheder og samhørighed.

På særdeles kort tid er NorthSide blevet en aarhusiansk succeshistorie, der samtidig har udviklet sig til at være en af landets mest interessante kulturbegivenheder.