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The Nomination Committee of NP3 has been appointed

The Nomination Committee of NP3 has now been appointed in accordance with the AGM resolutions and following consultation with the company's largest owners.

AP4 is represented by Olof Nyström, Senior Portfolio Manager Real Estate.

The other members of the committee is:

  • Håkan Andersson, Poularde AB/Norrlandspojkarna Fastighetsaktiebolag
  • Johannes Wingborg, Länsföräkringar Fondförvaltning AB
  • Rickard Backlund, Chairman of the Board, NP3 Fastigheter AB.

NP3 owns over 150 properties with a total of about 550 000 square meters. The tenants are over 900 in number and the rental value is about SEK 450 million on an annual basis. All properties are in the categories of trade, industry, logistics and offices. The properties are located in several locations in Sweden and categorized in the following six market areas: Dalarna, Gävle, Sundsvall, Östersund, Umeå and Luleå. NP3 is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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  • Economy, Finance


  • nomination committees
  • 2015


Niklas Ekvall

Press contact CEO AP4 +46 8 787 75 00

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