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Unique self-watering grass system in central Helsingborg, Sweden

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Unique self-watering grass system in central Helsingborg, Sweden

The newly opened Ångfärjeparken has already become popular amongst the people of Helsingborg. The park has a world-unique self-watering lawn that uses technology found only here and in Hong Kong. The first ever Hydroponic lawn has deeper roots and better wear-tolerance. The technology in combination with a soil moisture sensor in the lawn means that residents get a healthier, denser and greener lawn for a few extra months a year. In addition, the city saves costs on excess irrigation and there is zero leaching of nutrients.

The lawn in Ångfärjeparken is self-watering through the patented Capillary Hydroponics, a world-unique system that is only used here in Ångfärjeparken and in Hong Kong. It is the world's first hydroponic system for lawns, and it is a Swedish invention. By allowing water to be quickly emptied and filled by capillary force, you can make the roots "breathe" while always having perfect moisture content without the need for sprinklers above ground.

─ This system uses about 15% of normal water demand on a lawn, and there is no leakage of nutrients or other agents to the environment, which are really sensational improvements from yesterday's systems. It can also take much more wear and tear, making natural grass a viable option instead of artificial grass", Martin Sternberg, CGCS CEO and founder of Capillary Concrete.

Soil moisture sensors from Sensefarm measure moisture levels in the sand under the lawn. Using a mobile phone, you can also view the water data in the Capillary Hydroponics system, such as oxygen levels and fertilizers. The city uses the same technology on the busy main road 111, where every single watering is costly the road must be partially blocked off.

─ When this interesting new Capillary Hydroponics project came up, we were asked if we could measure the moisture content in the lawn. And of course, we jumped at the opportunity! We have acted as a development partner and supplier of the measurement technology, which we could call "the lawns Internet of Things", Anders Hedberg, CEO of Sensefarm.

Residents will experience a lawn that can be used for a few extra months a year and that stays healthy even during difficult weather, such as drought or heavy rain, which is expected to increase in line with rising global temperatures.

─ The technical advantages of this project are that those who take care of the grass get a very good control over the most important parameters that affect the grass throughout the year. From the temperature in the soil to the nutrients. Maintenance will be more efficient, Andréas Hall, development engineer at City planning and technical services department in Helsingborg.

In terms of design, self-irrigation and measurement are neither seen nor heard, which contributes to a better visitor experience. In addition, no one risks getting wet feet from walking on the grass.

─ It's challenging and exciting to test completely new technologies, but at the same time it is completely in line with the City of Helsingborg's values "dare, test and do". This is how we evolve the city for the better, Elisabeth Möllerström, landscape architect at the City planning and technical services department in Helsingborg.

Many different people have contributed to the final result.

─ There are only winners here. The time and money saved in the form of operation and maintenance results in lawn becoming greener, denser and healthier, Kristoffer Axelsson, project manager at City planning and technical services department in Helsingborg.

For more information contact:
Andréas Hall, development engineer at the City planning and technical services department in Helsingborg
Tel: 042-10 22 38, e-mail:

Martin Sternberg, CGCS CEO and founder of Capillary Concrete
Tel: +4670 55 00 123, e-mail:

Anders Hedberg, CEO of Sensefarm
Tel: 0733 320196, e-mail:


From 30 May to 3 July 2022, the City of Helsingborg invites the world to H22 City Expo – a 35-day international event to showcase, test, and co-create smart solutions that improve life in the city. With a focus on long-term innovation work aimed at lasting change, for example, through circular solutions, sustainable urban development, and smart technology, you will be able to experience and explore innovations that shape the smart and sustainable city of the future. Read more at


Thomas Jartsell

Thomas Jartsell

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Johan Persson

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David Lundin

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