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ICCO Ratifies “Principles for Ethical Use of AI in Public Relations” at 2023 Global Summit in Warsaw

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ICCO Ratifies “Principles for Ethical Use of AI in Public Relations” at 2023 Global Summit in Warsaw

WARSAW, 11th October 2023 – The International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO) proudly announces the ratification of its "Principles for Ethical Use of AI in Public Relations" during the 2023 ICCO Global Summit. The summit, held at The Sheraton Grand in Warsaw on 11th and 12th October, addressed this year’s pressing theme: "Identity, Influence and Innovation – Reimagining PR in the age of AI and geopolitical shifts. Christina Forsgaard, Founder, Netprofile Finland; and Ethics Chair of ICCO spearheaded the authoring of the principles.

Christina Forsgaard said:

“As we delve deeper into the age of AI, the urgency to uphold trust in our profession intensifies, particularly considering deep fakes, conspiracy theories and hybrid threats against democracies. Our unwavering commitment to the ethical foundation of public relations is paramount. The Warsaw Principles are more than just guidelines; they serve as a beacon for communications professionals everywhere. Equipped with AI, we have the responsibility to prioritize science-based facts in our communications, ensuring that every message is transparent and trustworthy."

Grzegorz Szczepanski, President, ICCO said:

“The rapid advancements of AI in public relations present both challenges and opportunities. With the 'Warsaw Principles', ICCO is taking a proactive stance, ensuring our industry remains at the forefront, recognizing the profound impact of AI while safeguarding the ethical foundations upon which our profession stands."

The ratified principles underscore the critical importance of:

  • Transparency, Disclosure, and Authenticity: Mandating clear disclosure when generative AI is employed, especially when crafting reality-like content.
  • Accuracy, Fact-Checking, and Combatting Disinformation: Highlighting the need for rigorous fact-checking, given AI's potential for disseminating misinformation and producing disinformation.
  • Privacy, Data Protection, and Responsible Sharing: Prioritizing data protection, compliance, and responsible content dissemination.
  • Bias Detection, Mitigation, and Inclusivity: Advocating for the detection and correction of biases in AI-driven content and the promotion of inclusivity.
  • Intellectual Property, Copyright Compliance, and Media Literacy: Stressing the respect for intellectual property and copyright laws.
  • Human Oversight, Intervention, and Collaboration: Reinforcing the necessity of human oversight in AI-powered processes.
  • Contextual Understanding, Adaptation, and Personalization: Encouraging tailored content approaches for different audiences and channels.
  • Responsible Automation and Efficiency: Championing AI for efficiency without compromising on ethical standards.
  • Continuous Monitoring, Evaluation, and Feedback: Advancing continuous assessment and stakeholder engagement for optimal AI use.
  • Ethical Professional Development, Education, and AI Advocacy: Promoting continuous learning, ethical AI advocacy, and best practice sharing.

The declaration concludes: "AI should complement, not replace, the invaluable expertise, judgment and creativity that PR professionals bring. AI's implications will keep evolving; thus, adaptability and vigilance are paramount."

With over 20 international speakers and appr. 250 attendees, the 2023 ICCO Global Summit offered a robust platform for global PR leaders to discuss, network, and shape the future of public relations in a rapidly transforming world. The 'Warsaw Principles' stand as a testament to ICCO's dedication to leading the PR industry with foresight, ethics, and innovation.

The International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO) is the voice of public relations consultancies around the world. The ICCO membership comprises 41 associations representing 81 countries across the globe: from Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australasia, Europe, and, the Middle East. Collectively, these associations represent over 3,000 PR firms.


Roma Sakarnyte

Roma Sakarnyte

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Welcome to ICCO!

The International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO) is the voice of public relations consultancies around the world and provides a forum for senior management of the world’s best PR consultancies to meet and address issues of mutual interest and concern.

The ICCO membership comprises 41 associations representing 81 countries across the globe: from Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australasia, Europe and the Middle East. Collectively, these associations represent over 3,000 PR firms.

Members work together to raise standards of quality, address ethical issues, harmonise professional PR consultancy practice, and share knowledge.


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