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Categories: sustainability

Morrow Batteries ASA announces IPCEI partnership, secures funding to advance next-generation battery technology

Morrow Batteries ASA announces IPCEI partnership, secures funding to advance next-generation battery technology

The Norwegian battery company has been awarded 345 million NOK from Innovation Norway under the IPCEI European business program. The funding will support the R&D development of a new battery technology that utilises less lithium and nickel than current batteries combined with manganese oxide (LNMO).
Morrow Batteries ASA (Morrow) has also qualified as an associated partner in the IPCEI Europ

Morrow Batteries ASA inngår IPCEI-partnerskap – sikrer finansiering av neste generasjons batteriteknologi

Morrow Batteries ASA inngår IPCEI-partnerskap – sikrer finansiering av neste generasjons batteriteknologi

Morrow Batteries ASA (Morrow) er tildelt 345 millioner kroner fra Innovasjon Norge under IPCEI European business-programmet for utvikling av en helt ny type batteriteknologi, med mindre bruk av litium og nikkel enn dagens batterier, kombinert med manganoksid (LNMO).
Det norske batteriselskapet opplyser samtidig at det har kvalifisert seg som assosiert partner i IPCEI European Battery Innovatio

Fra venstre: Lars Christian Bacher, Stina Torjesen (begge fra Morrow Batteries), Christian Lyngø Lian og Marcus Martinsson (begge fra Stena Recycling)

Morrow og Stena Recycling inngår partnerskap for å bygge sirkulære verdikjeder for batterier

Morrow Batteries ASA (Morrow) og Stena Recycling har inngått en avtale om håndtering av produksjonsavfall fra Morrow Cell Factory i Arendal, Norge. Avfallet vil bli håndtert på Stena Recyclings nye anlegg for batterigjenvinning i Halmstad, Sverige. Målet er å bygge en komplett sirkulær batteriverdikjede der resirkulert materiale gjeninnføres i battericelleproduksjonen.
"Vi deler stolt Stena Rec

Overgang til alternative materialer, som mangan (holdes på bildet), kan bidra til grønnere batterier

Miljøstiftelsen Bellona og Morrow Batteries inngår samarbeid for å utvikle grønne batterier

Batterier er en av de viktigste driverne for det grønne skiftet, men er energikrevende og kan gi store utslipp. Miljøstiftelsen Bellona og Morrow Batteries inngår derfor nå et samarbeid for å utvikle beste praksis for bærekraftige batterimaterialer -og produksjon.
Behovet for batterier ventes å mangedobles når verden skal nå sine klimamål. Batteriproduksjon er imidlertid energikrevende og kan g

Battery production equipment inaugurates a new container terminal in Arendal, Southern Norway

Battery production equipment inaugurates a new container terminal in Arendal, Southern Norway

Morrow Batteries ASA ("Morrow") is receiving the first shipment of battery production equipment this week at the newly established container terminal in Arendal.
The container ship "Thea II" arrived in Arendal on October 23 with the first load of battery production equipment for Morrow's battery cell factory. This marks the first time a container ship unloads at the new terminal.
"This is a

Second from the left: Johannes Henriksson, Co-founder & CEO of Compular, third from the right: Dr. Adriana Navarro-Suarez from Morrow Batteries

Morrow enters a non-exclusive partnership with Compular to screen electrolytes for high-voltage batteries

Morrow Batteries ASA (Morrow) has signed a Joint Development Agreement with Compular for the computational screening of novel electrolyte formulations for the next generation of high-voltage batteries. Based on Compular's algorithm and Morrow's LNMO-based large format batteries this partnership will accelerate the development of cobalt-free high-voltage batteries.
Morrow is working to develop a

Innovation Norway provides 225 MNOK in public grants and a loan to Morrow Batteries

Innovation Norway provides 225 MNOK in public grants and a loan to Morrow Batteries

Innovation Norway has announced that they will provide 75 MNOK in public grants to Morrow Batteries (Morrow) in addition to a loan of 150 MNOK. The funding will strengthen the industrial scale-up in the race to build up the European battery value chain. The announced financing enables the company to build the Morrow Industrialization Center, the first phase of the full-scale production of 43GWh su

Speeding up the energy transition with cost-effective and sustainable batteries.

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Morrow Batteries