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Emner: Data, telekom, IT

Amadeus styrker sin ledende posisjon innen flydistribusjon gjennom utvidet og innovativt partnerskap med Etraveli Group om NDC og innholdsstrategi

Amadeus styrker sin ledende posisjon innen flydistribusjon gjennom utvidet og innovativt partnerskap med Etraveli Group om NDC og innholdsstrategi

Innovative Amadeus velger Etraveli Group for å forbedre sitt tilbud til reiseselgere
Etraveli Group velger Amadeus som sin primære leverandør av NDC-innhold
Amadeus og Etraveli Group har blitt enige om et felles strategisk initiativ som vil muliggjøre kjøp og distribusjon av utvalgt innhold fra Etraveli Group via Amadeus Travel Platform. Dette omfatter også «virtual interlining»-innhold fra

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Om Amadeus

Amadeus makes the experience of travel better for everyone, everywhere by inspiring innovation, partnerships and responsibility to people, places and planet.

Our technology powers the travel and tourism industry. Inspiring more open ways of working. More connected ways of thinking, centered around the traveler. Our open platform connects the global travel and hospitality ecosystem. From startups to big industry players and governments too. Together, redesigning the travel of tomorrow.

We are working to make travel a force for social and environmental good. A collective responsibility to protect and improve the people and places we visit, ensuring travel continues to make positive contribution to our world.

We apply innovation to meet new needs, to solve real challenges. Our truly diverse global workforce, made up of 150 nationalities, is passionate about travel and technology.

We are an IBEX 35 company, listed on the Spanish Stock Exchange under AMS.MC. We have also been recognized by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the last 11 years.

Amadeus. It’s how travel works better.