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​36 Hurtigruten crew members tested positive for COVID-19

All 158 crew members on Hurtigruten's expedition ship MS Roald Amundsen have now been tested for possible Coronavirus infection. 36 have tested positive for COVID-19, while 122 are confirmed as negative. The ship is currently docked in Tromsø, Norway with no guests on board.

Four crew members were confirmed positive Friday. Extensive testing of the entire crew has concluded that additional 32 crew members are confirmed as COVID-19 positive. 122 of the crew have tested negative.

None of the 154 crew members still on board the ship – including the 32 new confirmed positive tests Saturday – has shown any signs of disease or symptoms of COVID-19.

32 of the 34 confirmed cases are from the Philippines. The three others are Norwegian, French and German nationalities.

- We are now focusing all available efforts in taking care of our guests and colleagues. We work closely with the Norwegian national and local health authorities for follow-up, information, further testing, and infection tracking, says Hurtigruten VP Global Communications Rune Thomas Ege.

The initial four crew members that were infected were isolated several days ago because of other disease symptoms, showing no symptoms of COVID-19. They were routinely tested before being admitted to hospital in Tromsø, Norway Friday morning.

Hurtigruten is in contact with all guests that were on board MS Roald Amundsen's July 17 and 24 departures.

209 guests from the first voyage and 178 guests from the July 24 departure will self-quarantine in line with Norwegian health authority regulations. Hurtigruten also assists guests with transport, accommodation, food and other needs.

- The safety and well-being of our guests and crew is Hurtigruten’s number one priority. All crew members are closely monitored and screened daily. Non-Norwegian crew members are quarantined before boarding the ship, and non-European crew need to undergo two negative Covid-19 tests before even leaving their home country, Ege says.

MS Roald Amundsen was scheduled to sail to Svalbard on Friday afternoon. That voyage is now cancelled. The next cruise with the ship is not planned until September. 


Pressevakt Hurtigruten

Pressevakt Hurtigruten

Pressekontakt Alle mediehenvendelser om Hurtigruten, rutetrafikken Bergen-Kirkenes og MS Trollfjord. Kontaktnummer for kundehenvendelser finnes her: https://www.hurtigruten.com/nb-no/om-oss/kontakt-oss (+47) 48 02 77 00 (kun for presse, ikke SMS)
Tarjei Kramviken

Tarjei Kramviken

Pressekontakt Kommunikasjonsrådgiver Hurtigruten +47 97600637
Hurtigruten Group

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