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​Hurtigruten temporarily suspends all expedition cruises

As a response to the coronavirus outbreak on board MS Roald Amundsen, Hurtigruten temporarily suspends all expedition sailings on MS Roald Amundsen, MS Fridtjof Nansen and MS Spitsbergen until further notice.

36 crew members and several guests have tested positive for COVID-19 in the outbreak on board the expedition cruise ship MS Roald Amundsen.

- The safety and well-being of our guests and crew is Hurtigruten’s number one priority. We are now focusing all available efforts in taking care of our guests and colleagues. We are working closely with the Norwegian National and Local Health Authorities for follow-up, information, further testing, and infection tracking, says CEO in Hurtigruten, Daniel Skjeldam.

- In light of the recent increase in new cases of COVID-19 globally, the only responsible choice is to suspend all expedition sailings until we are absolutely confident, we can carry out our operations in line with all requirements from the Authorities and with the even stricter requirements we have set for ourselves, says CEO in Hurtigruten, Daniel Skjeldam.

Hurtigruten is as of Monday in the process of reaching out to and informing guests booked on the now cancelled voyages.

The decision has no impact on Hurtigruten's coastal Norway operations.


About Hurtigruten

Building on 125 years of Norwegian pioneering heritage, Hurtigruten is today the world's largest expedition cruise company.

Hurtigruten’s rapidly growing fleet of custom-build expedition ships takes modern-day adventure travellers to the world’s most spectacular destinations on our Planet - from the High North to Antarctica in the south.

Being the world leader in exploration travel comes with a great responsibility. Hurtigruten is enhancing destinations and runs an responsible, sustainable global operation. Read more about Hurtigruten's sustainability efforts here.

Hurtigruten is considered the world's greenest cruise line. Among a long list of green tech investments, the company is introducing the world’s first hybrid battery powered cruise ships, the MS Roald Amundsen (2019) and the MS Fridtjof Nansen (2020). 


Pressevakt Hurtigruten

Pressevakt Hurtigruten

Pressekontakt Alle mediehenvendelser om Hurtigruten, rutetrafikken Bergen-Kirkenes og MS Trollfjord. Kontaktnummer for kundehenvendelser finnes her: https://www.hurtigruten.no/kontakt-oss/ (+47) 48 02 77 00 (kun for presse, ikke SMS)
Hurtigruten Group

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