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BagoSphere meets Muhammad Yunus!

BagoSphere recently had the privilege of being a part of the Global Social Business Summit 2011 in Vienna, Austria.

Under the banner "Pioneering for Results", the Global Social Business Summit 2011 took place from the 9th to 12th November. The event brought together more than 500 individuals from the worldwide Social Business movement which includes the corporate, political, civil society and academic world. The event offered a unique opportunity to network and to gain an in-depth understanding of Social Business as a way to address social problems faced by communities around the world. Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus who is recognized as the founder of the social business movement emphasized the importance of grassroots led initiatives, and the policy of creating a business to solve problems.

BagoSphere was represented in the summit together with other Singapore-based social businesses incubated at the Grameen Creative Labs@National University of Singapore (NUS)


  • Teaching, Learning


  • social business
  • bagosphere
  • yunus
  • grameen creative labs
  • national university of singapore
  • summit
  • conference
  • news

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