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Airwatergreen’s spinoff Drupps will compete in XPRIZE, the world’s most prestigious tech-competition for solving humanity’s greatest challenges

Drupps, a spinoff from Uppsala-based air treatment pioneer Airwatergreen and focusing on atmospheric water production, is developing a game-changing technology for large-scale water production from air. Drupps now announces that it will compete in XPRIZE, the world’s most prestigious tech-competition for solving global challenges.

XPRIZE, a non-profit and the global leader in designing and operating incentive competitions to solve humanity’s grand challenges, announced on May 15 that 98 teams from 25 countries will compete for its $1.75 million Water Abundance XPRIZE. Drupps is one of these competitors.

“We are really excited to get going”, says Fredrik Edström, Project Leader and CTO at Drupps. “We have long had a passion for atmospheric water creation and we believe in its potential to make a real difference for people, to help solve the global water situation. We have a powerful technology under development.”

To win, teams must create a device that extracts a minimum of 2,000 litres of water per day from the atmosphere using 100 percent renewable energy, at a cost of no more than 2 US cents per litre. The winning device must be able to create decentralized access to water, giving people the power to access fresh water whenever and wherever they need it.

“We are thrilled by the global response to the competition and the impressive number of diverse teams ready to solve water scarcity,” said Zenia Tata, Executive Director of Global Expansion at XPRIZE. "We’re all looking forward to observing the progress the teams make as they navigate their way through the various stages of the challenge over the coming months. We are confident that at least one of these gifted teams will crack the code and create a cost-effective breakthrough to stem global water shortages.”

The Water Abundance XPRIZE, sponsored by the Tata Group and Australian Aid, is a two-year competition aimed at tackling global water scarcity by incentivizing teams from around the world to create and develop a pioneering decentralized technology that can extract water from thin air using only renewable energy.

The technology to compete in XPRIZE, not yet named, is the next leap for Heat Condensation, an Airwatergreen-patented condensing technology widely referred to as ‘the third generation’ of humidity treatment for its ability to halve energy consumption in Nordic temperatures and to condense humidity in all temperatures at an equal energy-efficiency.

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Drupps is a Swedish innovation company focusing on large-scale atmospheric water production for all environments. Company products enable efficient and decentralized production of potable water straight from the air.



XPRIZE, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is the global leader in designing and implementing innovative competition models to solve the world’s grandest challenges. XPRIZE utilizes a unique combination of gamification, crowd-sourcing, incentive prize theory, and exponential technologies as a formula to make 10x (vs. 10%) impact in the grand challenge domains facing our world. XPRIZE’s philosophy is that—under the right circumstances— igniting rapid experimentation from a variety of diverse lenses is the most efficient and effective method to driving exponential impact and solutions to grand challenges. Active competitions include the $30M Google Lunar XPRIZE, the $20M NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE, the $15M Global Learning XPRIZE, the $7M Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, the $7M Barbara Bush Foundation Adult Literacy XPRIZE, the $5M IBM Watson AI XPRIZE, the $1.75M Water Abundance XPRIZE and the $1M Anu and Naveen Women’s Safety XPRIZE. 

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Bo Tiderman

Presskontakt CEO +46 70 581 82 72

Relaterat innehåll

Airwatergreens avknoppning Drupps kommer att tävla i XPRIZE, världens mest prestigefulla tekniktävling för att lösa mänsklighetens stora utmaningar

​Drupps, en avknoppning från Uppsala-baserade luftbehandlingspionjären Airwatergreen och som fokuserar på dricksvattenproduktion från atmosfären, utvecklar en omvälvande teknologi för storskalig vattenproduktion från luft. Drupps meddelar nu att bolaget kommer att tävla i XPRIZE, väldens mest prestigefulla tekniktävling för att lösa mänskligheten stora utmaningar.