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Twenty light years from Alingsås

The Lights in Alingsås photo book has just been released! Twenty years after the annual lighting festival was inaugurated, it is time for us to look back. This is the story of the event that put the town of Alingsås on the map, both in Sweden and internationally. Every year Lights in Alingsås draws a new group of visitors to the town, who want to experience something new and exciting in autumn as the nights draw in.

Since it started, Lights in Alingsås has involved 136 of the world’s best lighting designers, 1200 lighting students and 400 student electricians, as well as attracting almost 1.2 million visitors.

Over the years 80 locations have been illuminated including local buildings, yards, streets, bridges, parks, tunnels, churchyards, a lake and a river. Particularly popular places have been illuminated several times, from new angles.

As photographer Patrik Gunnar Helin has recorded the festival since its inception, he has pictures from every year and every installation. These photos have now been collected in a book of photos, along with a description of the works. The text was written by Kjell Hult who is a co-founder of the Lights in Alingsås festival.

After twenty successful light years it’s fun to be able to show pictures of all the fantastic lighting installations in this book,” says Jan Olofzon, Managing Director of Alingsås Energi. “We hope that it will give a lot of pleasure - surprising those who haven’t visited the festival yet and awakening happy memories in those who have.”

Alingsås Energi will release the book Twenty Light Years from Alingsås at the same time that Lights in Alingsås starts, on 1 October, 2020.

The book, which is published in both English and Swedish editions, will be on sale at Alingsås Energi’s reception desk, at Akademibokhandeln in Alingsås and at



  • Arkitektur


  • lighting design
  • lights in alingsås
  • alingsås energi


  • Alingsås

About Lights in Alingsås

During the event Alingsås is alive with activity, and in recent years Lights in Alingsås has resulted in over 70,000 visits to the town in October. The lighting festival is an important international meeting place for lighting designers, students and companies. Since 2018, Lights in Alingsås has been run by Alingsås Energi.

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