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CFHILL på CHART – Dubbelutställning med nya verk av Martina Müntzing och Charlotte Gyllenhammar

CFHILL på CHART – Dubbelutställning med nya verk av Martina Müntzing och Charlotte Gyllenhammar

Dubbelutställning med nya verk av Martina Müntzing (måleri) och Charlotte Gyllenhammar (skulptur).
CFHILL har valt att lyfta fram två mogna och gedigna konstnärskap i årets upplaga av CHART. Det är Charlotte Gyllenhammar (f. 1963), vars konstnärskap på senare år intagit en alltmer central plats och vars skulpturer idag återfinns i hemlandet Sverige där de utgjort betydande up

Isak Hall – en samtida renässansmästare

Isak Hall – en samtida renässansmästare

Isak Hall – en samtida renässansmästare
CFHILL presenterar en soloutställning i stora salen med konstnären och bjuder in till en upptäcktsresa in i de gåtfulla landskapen som är centrala i hans målningar. Med utgångspunks från tidigare utställningarna "Fatamorgana" på Bror Hjorts museum i Uppsala och en utställning på Uppsala Domkyrka under hösten, presenterar Hall nya stora målningar och mind

Christine Ödlund i utställning med banbrytande konst på Svenska institutet Paris

Christine Ödlund i utställning med banbrytande konst på Svenska institutet Paris

Christine Ödlund i utställning med banbrytande konst på Svenska institutet Paris
Svenska institutet Paris ställer ut Christine Ödlund tillsammans med konstnären Anastasia Ax i syfte att skapa dialog med den i stort sett okände konstnären Lars Fredriksons banbrytande konst.
Christine Ödlund delar tillsammans med Anastasia Ax en stark valfrändskap med Lars Fredriksons visionära skapande. Den

”Slutet är fantastiskt!" - Jesper Waldersten övergår till måleri i ny soloutställning på CFHILL

”Slutet är fantastiskt!" - Jesper Waldersten övergår till måleri i ny soloutställning på CFHILL

”I "Slutet är fantastiskt!" övergår Waldersten till måleri i lager på lager. Hans distinkta röst är präglad av svart humor, djupa iakttagelser och parat med konstnärens alldeles egna humor. Vi är stolta över att få presentera en soloutställning med konstnären, bestående av 23 målningar och en ny skulptur skapad i samarbete med Herman Bergman Bronsgjuteri, installerade i CFHILLs stora sal.” Michael

AI, avatarer, och orakel: CFHILL presenterar soloutställning med Ann Lislegaard i Animoid

AI, avatarer, och orakel: CFHILL presenterar soloutställning med Ann Lislegaard i Animoid

AI, avatarer, och orakel: CFHILL presenterar soloutställning med Ann Lislegaard i Animoid
CFHILL presenterar stolt nya verk av professor Ann Lislegaard i soloutställningen Animoid. Lislegaard, en av vår tids största digitala konstnärer, arbetar med en rad olika teknologier bestående av algoritm-baserade aluminiumskulpturer, AI-genererade porträtt, animationer och LED hologram.
Centralt och f

CFHILL presenterar Christine Ödlunds monumentala soloutställning  ’Fyra Dimensioner av ett Träsk’

CFHILL presenterar Christine Ödlunds monumentala soloutställning ’Fyra Dimensioner av ett Träsk’

Fyra Dimensioner av ett Träsk förtätar mystiska landskap som inspirerats av Ugglevikens våtmarker - Ödlunds egna metaforiska trädgård.

Christine Ödlund uppehåller sig i sitt konstnärskap vid hur växter fungerar och kommunicerar både med oss människor och med andra växter, och arbetar med att utforska olika ingångar till växters språk.
Ödlund har varit aktuell i flera internationella utst

Denise Grünstein, "Descending" (detalj)

CFHILL presenterar Minnen i svartvitt, en retrospektiv utställning till Denise Grünsteins minne.

Denise Grünstein
Minnen i svartvitt

29 september
– 20 oktober,
CFHILL presenterar Minnen i svartvitt, en del av ett dubbelretrospektiv parallellt med utställningen Eftermäle på Artipelag, till Denise Grünsteins minne. Grünstein avled i juni efter en tids sjukdom men var med i planeringen av utställningarna som nu kommer att få öppna utan henne.Hos CFHILL presenteras Minn

Sociala medier

Martina Müntzing⁠
November 28, 2024 – January 12, 2025⁠
Hedvig Eleonora Church in collaboration with CFHILL presents the exhibit Tillblivelser with Martina Müntzing. Known for her ability to navigate the intersection between realism and mysticism, Müntzing is a leading figure in contemporary Swedish art. Against the backdrop of the historical church, visitors are invited to observe her art which blur the lines between fable-like storytelling and hyperrealism.⁠
@cfhillofficial #CFHILL @martinamuntzing @hedvigeleonoraforsamling⁠

Martina Müntzing⁠ Tillblivelser⁠ ⁠ November 28, 2024 – January 12, 2025⁠ ⁠ Hedvig Eleonora Church in collaboration with CFHILL presents the exhibit Tillblivelser with Martina Müntzing. Known for her ability to navigate the intersection between realism and mysticism, Müntzing is a leading figure in contemporary Swedish art. Against the backdrop of the historical church, visitors are invited to observe her art which blur the lines between fable-like storytelling and hyperrealism.⁠ ⁠ @cfhillofficial #CFHILL @martinamuntzing @hedvigeleonoraforsamling⁠

Olle Bærtling⁠
à Paris⁠
Countless texts and discussions have been dedicated to Olle Baertling’s Open Form, his self-created colors, and the cryptic titles of his artworks. Both during his lifetime and after, his unique and abstract artistry has been celebrated at exhibitions in numerous national and international museums. Since the 1950s, his works have been showcased at international art fairs and biennales around the world.⁠
Olle Baertling’s art career truly took off in the late 1940s. He began painting in 1934 alongside his position at Skandinaviska Banken, and over time, art came to occupy more and more of his time. In 1948, he traveled to Paris to seek guidance from the leading artists of the era, and it was there that the foundation for his distinctive works was established. However, only a few pieces from his Paris years have appeared on the art market, which is why we are thrilled to present a number of never-before-seen charcoal sketches and oil paintings from 1948.⁠
November 22, 2024 ⁠
— January 9, 2025⁠
Opening hours ⁠
Tuesday–Friday 12 – 5 PM⁠
Saturday 12 – 4 PM⁠
Sunday & Monday Closed⁠
@cfhillofficial #cfhill #ollebaertling #ollebærtling #bærtling

Olle Bærtling⁠ à Paris⁠ ⁠ Countless texts and discussions have been dedicated to Olle Baertling’s Open Form, his self-created colors, and the cryptic titles of his artworks. Both during his lifetime and after, his unique and abstract artistry has been celebrated at exhibitions in numerous national and international museums. Since the 1950s, his works have been showcased at international art fairs and biennales around the world.⁠ ⁠ Olle Baertling’s art career truly took off in the late 1940s. He began painting in 1934 alongside his position at Skandinaviska Banken, and over time, art came to occupy more and more of his time. In 1948, he traveled to Paris to seek guidance from the leading artists of the era, and it was there that the foundation for his distinctive works was established. However, only a few pieces from his Paris years have appeared on the art market, which is why we are thrilled to present a number of never-before-seen charcoal sketches and oil paintings from 1948.⁠ ⁠ November 22, 2024 ⁠ — January 9, 2025⁠ ⁠ Opening hours ⁠ Tuesday–Friday 12 – 5 PM⁠ Saturday 12 – 4 PM⁠ Sunday & Monday Closed⁠ ⁠ @cfhillofficial #cfhill #ollebaertling #ollebærtling #bærtling

Open Saturday November 23
Viola Sparre ⁠
November 22, 2024 ⁠
— January 9, 2025⁠
Opening hours ⁠
Tuesday–Friday 12 – 5 PM⁠
Saturday 12 – 4 PM⁠
Sunday & Monday Closed⁠
Viola Sparre's debut exhibition, Betraktare, invites visitors into an intimate exploration of family dynamics, memory, and the psychological landscapes of childhood. Sparre’s raw, figurative style captures the complexity of human connection, often inspired by deeply personal and intricate family interactions. While currently doing her master’s at Konstfack (University of Arts, Crafts and Design) CFHILL is proud to facilitate the debut of this bold new voice within Swedish contemporary art. ⁠
⁠@cfhillofficial #cfhill @viola.sparre

Open Saturday November 23 ⁠ Viola Sparre ⁠ Betraktare⁠ ⁠ November 22, 2024 ⁠ — January 9, 2025⁠ ⁠ Opening hours ⁠ Tuesday–Friday 12 – 5 PM⁠ Saturday 12 – 4 PM⁠ Sunday & Monday Closed⁠ ⁠ Viola Sparre's debut exhibition, Betraktare, invites visitors into an intimate exploration of family dynamics, memory, and the psychological landscapes of childhood. Sparre’s raw, figurative style captures the complexity of human connection, often inspired by deeply personal and intricate family interactions. While currently doing her master’s at Konstfack (University of Arts, Crafts and Design) CFHILL is proud to facilitate the debut of this bold new voice within Swedish contemporary art. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠@cfhillofficial #cfhill @viola.sparre

Meta Isæus-Berlin⁠
The Philosopher at Kuntsi Museum of Modern Art, Vaasa⁠
November 2024 – March 30, 2025⁠
Meta Isæus-Berlin’s first solo exhibition in Finland! With a selection of approximately 50 works the exhibition offers the viewer a chance to get to know Isæus-Berlin’s more than 30 years of artistry. The exhibition includes drawings, assemblages, textile works, large-scale installations, sculptures and paintings. The use of different mediums and expressions characterizes her work, where the recurring everyday furniture is subtly loaded with universal meanings. At the breakfast table, one has not only eaten, but the memory recalls the charged atmosphere of the home. The chaotic, flooded bathroom, Awakening III, can evoke references to Marcel Duchamp’s legendary work, Fountain (1917). Not being specifically inspired by Duchamp, but rather by her own philosophies and visions, Isæus-Berlin has repeatedly and visually recreated life’s tumult and daily disorder that occasionally affects us all. In the large and smaller scale paintings, Isæus-Berlin is presented as a storyteller and a colorist. The content of the paintings does not shy away from negative emotions, visualizing what might be difficult to talk about, such as the uncertainty of youth or the reality of teenagers.⁠
The exhibition’s name comes from the central work for the show, the self-portrait The Philosopher. The work shows a little panda lying tucked-in under thin sheets, delicately bronze-casted in collaboration with Herman Bergman. It reflects the artist’s own philosophy and ways of visualizing life, inspired by her childhood, where philosophical thoughts from Kant to Wittgenstein were constantly present.⁠
The exhibition has been produced by Vaasa City Museums in collaboration with the artist and it has been curated by Maaria Salo and Janna Sirén.⁠
@cfhillofficial #cfhill @metaisaeusberlin @vaasanmuseot

Meta Isæus-Berlin⁠ The Philosopher at Kuntsi Museum of Modern Art, Vaasa⁠ ⁠ November 2024 – March 30, 2025⁠ ⁠ Meta Isæus-Berlin’s first solo exhibition in Finland! With a selection of approximately 50 works the exhibition offers the viewer a chance to get to know Isæus-Berlin’s more than 30 years of artistry. The exhibition includes drawings, assemblages, textile works, large-scale installations, sculptures and paintings. The use of different mediums and expressions characterizes her work, where the recurring everyday furniture is subtly loaded with universal meanings. At the breakfast table, one has not only eaten, but the memory recalls the charged atmosphere of the home. The chaotic, flooded bathroom, Awakening III, can evoke references to Marcel Duchamp’s legendary work, Fountain (1917). Not being specifically inspired by Duchamp, but rather by her own philosophies and visions, Isæus-Berlin has repeatedly and visually recreated life’s tumult and daily disorder that occasionally affects us all. In the large and smaller scale paintings, Isæus-Berlin is presented as a storyteller and a colorist. The content of the paintings does not shy away from negative emotions, visualizing what might be difficult to talk about, such as the uncertainty of youth or the reality of teenagers.⁠ ⁠ The exhibition’s name comes from the central work for the show, the self-portrait The Philosopher. The work shows a little panda lying tucked-in under thin sheets, delicately bronze-casted in collaboration with Herman Bergman. It reflects the artist’s own philosophy and ways of visualizing life, inspired by her childhood, where philosophical thoughts from Kant to Wittgenstein were constantly present.⁠ ⁠ The exhibition has been produced by Vaasa City Museums in collaboration with the artist and it has been curated by Maaria Salo and Janna Sirén.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ @cfhillofficial #cfhill @metaisaeusberlin @vaasanmuseot

Happy birthday to the multi-talented artist Marie-Louise Ekman that turns 80 today!⁠
Marie-Louise Ekman stands as one of the nation’s most esteemed and beloved artists. She explores everyday absurdities and the challenges presented by societal constructs, through various mediums such as painting, film, television, scenography, theater, and literature. Ekman’s iconic aesthetic, cultivated during the 70s, features pastel hues, directness,⁠
and humor, rendering her work instantly recognizable. In intimate scenes, she allows life's strangeness to unfold, breathing life into a diverse⁠
cast of human and non-human characters.⁠
Ekman’s career includes positions as head of the Royal Institute of Art and the Royal Dramatic Theater, both in Stockholm (SE). Recent works at Market Artfair, CFHILL (SE) with art glass in an unique collaboration with Berengo Studio, Murano, Venice, Testamentet at Stockholm School of Economics (SE) and En tusendels sekund at Zinkensdamm’s metro station, Stockholm (SE), affirm her presence in the public eye. A retrospective scheduled to take up the entire exhibition space at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm (SE) in 2025 promises a comprehensive journey through her artistic evolution. She is included in the collections of Moderna Museet, Stockholm (SE), Malmö Art Museum (SE), Norrköping Art Museum (SE), and Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (IT).⁠
Photo of Marie-Louise Ekman: Kristian Bengtsson for @voguescandinavia⁠
@cfhillofficial #CFHILL @marielouiseekman⁠

⁠ Happy birthday to the multi-talented artist Marie-Louise Ekman that turns 80 today!⁠ ⁠ ⁠ Marie-Louise Ekman stands as one of the nation’s most esteemed and beloved artists. She explores everyday absurdities and the challenges presented by societal constructs, through various mediums such as painting, film, television, scenography, theater, and literature. Ekman’s iconic aesthetic, cultivated during the 70s, features pastel hues, directness,⁠ and humor, rendering her work instantly recognizable. In intimate scenes, she allows life's strangeness to unfold, breathing life into a diverse⁠ cast of human and non-human characters.⁠ ⁠ Ekman’s career includes positions as head of the Royal Institute of Art and the Royal Dramatic Theater, both in Stockholm (SE). Recent works at Market Artfair, CFHILL (SE) with art glass in an unique collaboration with Berengo Studio, Murano, Venice, Testamentet at Stockholm School of Economics (SE) and En tusendels sekund at Zinkensdamm’s metro station, Stockholm (SE), affirm her presence in the public eye. A retrospective scheduled to take up the entire exhibition space at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm (SE) in 2025 promises a comprehensive journey through her artistic evolution. She is included in the collections of Moderna Museet, Stockholm (SE), Malmö Art Museum (SE), Norrköping Art Museum (SE), and Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (IT).⁠ ⁠ Photo of Marie-Louise Ekman: Kristian Bengtsson for @voguescandinavia⁠ ⁠ @cfhillofficial #CFHILL @marielouiseekman⁠


Eric Moretti

Presskontakt Head of Marketing & Art Director +46 70 (0) 782 06 55


CFHILL är ett hybrid-galleri / Art Space med sin adress i centrala Stockholm.
På 800 kvm visas ett flertal utställningar med internationella och lokala konstnärer ofta i samarbete med inbjudna curators, som byts ut varje månad.
CFHILL grundades 2016 av Michael Storåkers, Anna-Karin Pusic och Michael Elmenbeck.
CFHILL huserar på Västra Trädgårdsgatan 9.


Västra Trädgårdsgatan 9
11153 Stockholm