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Colliers acts as advisor for acquisition of student properties

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Colliers acts as advisor for acquisition of student properties

Colliers International was an advisor for the country-wide student housing company Studentbostäder i Sverige AB (SBS) when it acquired a portfolio with eight student properties in Luleå with an underlying property value of around SEK 1.1 billion. The properties together comprise 1,443 apartments and have a total rentable area of 41,524 m2. The transaction also includes an agreement for the densification of one of the properties in Luleå with construction of around 100 student apartments. The construction is planned to start in the spring of 2020.

The seller is Lindbäcks Fastigheter AB, which with this acquisition also becomes a new partner in SBS. SBS's owners already include Offentliga HusAmasten and SBB. The acquisition will take place as a business combination, and occupancy will occur on 2 September 2019. Following the acquisition, SBS will have more than 3,000 student apartments at 10 university cities in Sweden. Every year, more than 15,000 students study at Luleå University of Technology. Porsön is home to the university, student areas and many workplaces within the technological industry and is currently an attractive and rapidly expanding district north of downtown Luleå.

Rebecka Eidenert, CEO of Studentbostäder i Sverige: “Luleå is a technology cluster with one of Europe’s most well-respected universities that attracts students and researchers from around the world. We are very proud to be able to offer the student housing and thus further contribute to the city’s development. Gaining Lindbäcks as an owner will enable a stronger progression in our project development.”

Including the above transaction, Colliers has been a transaction advisor in the past year for around 3,200 student apartments, which corresponds to a rentable area of approximately 100,000 m2 in student cities throughout all of Sweden. This corresponds to a property value of around SEK 2.2 billion.

Rebecka Norberg, Head of Capital Markets: “In Europe, the student housing segment has been a niched investment strategy for a long time, so it is pleasing to see that interest from both national and international players has increased for student housing investments in Sweden as well. Over the past year, we have had the benefit of working in student cities throughout all of Sweden, and we look forward to continuing to be the leading advisor in the segment moving forward.”



Om Colliers International Sverige

Colliers International är ett ledande företag inom global fastighetsrådgivning präglat av entreprenörsanda. Vårt svenska team består av ca 35 experter som arbetar med att öka lönsamheten för investerare, fastighetsägare, byggherrar och hyresgäster. Genom vår goda expertis och höga servicenivå skapar vi effektiva lösningar som hjälper våra kunder att uppnå framgång snabbare.

Colliers experter erbjuder kvalificerad kunskap inom Capital Markets, Leasing, Corporate Solutions, Retail samt Real Estate Management Services.

Med kontor i Stockholm och Göteborg samt ett starkt skandinaviskt samarbete ser vi till att våra kunder får professionell rådgivning inom alla delar av fastighetsmarknaden. Colliers International i Sverige ägs utav Colliers International Group Inc. 

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Om Colliers International Group

Colliers International Group Inc. (NASDAQ: CIGI) (TSX: CIGI) är globala ledare inom kommersiella fastighetstjänster med mer än 15 400 anställda i 68 länder. Med en företagsam kultur tillhandahåller Colliers anställda ett komplett utbud av tjänster till hyresgäster, ägare och investerare världen över. Tjänsterna är strategisk sälj- och köprådgivning, uthyrning, globala verksamhetslösningar, fastighets- och tillgångsförvaltning, arbetsplatslösningar, hotellförsäljning- och rådgivning, rådgivning- och värderingstjänster, marknadsanpassad research och insiktsfulla konsulttjänster.

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Karoline Fagerheim

Karoline Fagerheim

Press contact Head of Marketing & Communications Nordics +47 928 405 54
Julia Graflund

Julia Graflund

Press contact Marketing & Communications Coordinator Nordics +46 73 03 67 407

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Colliers is a leading diversified professional services and investment management company. With operations in 68 countries, our 19,000 enterprising professionals work collaboratively to provide expert real estate and investment advice to clients. For more than 29 years, our experienced leadership with significant inside ownership has delivered compound annual investment returns of approximately 20% for shareholders. With annual revenues of $4.3 billion and $96 billion of assets under management, Colliers maximizes the potential of property and real assets to accelerate the success of our clients, our investors and our people. Learn more at, X @Colliers or LinkedIn.


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