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Categories: donsö

Opening Ceremony DSM2023 - Andreas Carlson, Minister for Infrastructure and Housing, Jonas Backman, Chairman of the Donsö Foundation, Pernilla Warberg, Moderator and Göran Eriksson, CEO, Port of Gothenburg

DSM2023 - Thank you!

Thank you to all that made DSM2023 happen; partners, sponsors, exhibitors, shipping companies, speakers, visitors and the work force on the island of Donsö, tronger together! -2 900 visitors from 40 countries discussed shipping and shipping-related topics -100 shipping companies -270 exhibitors -750 people took part of the Gothenburg Port Day -2 100 seated guests at the banquet dinner

Götheborg of Sweden

Götheborg will attend Donsö Shipping Meet

At the end of August, Götheborg of Sweden will attend Donsö Shipping Meet. It’s the first time that the ship will attend the event, and it is also the first time that Götheborg will moor at Donsö in the southern archipelago outside of Gothenburg.

Christopher Askheim, General Manager & Elin Kristensson, Managing Director at Northern Energy & Supply.

Northern Energy & Supply - DSM2023 Silver Sponsor

Northern Energy and Supply supports DSM2023 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision? Elin - We are a Donsö based comapany and we think it is really important for us to support DSM2023, it is a given choice for us. Christopher - It feels very good to contribute and to be a part of DSM and make it possible for it to grow with more visitors and exhibitors.

Gijsbert DE JONG, Marine Chief Executive Nordics, Bureau Veritas.

Bureau Veritas - DSM2023 Gold Sponsor

Read interview with Gijsbert DE JONG, Marine Chief Executive Nordics, Bureau Veritas.

Bureau Veritas supports DSM2023 as Gold Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
Our long-standing cooperation with DSM and the Donsö shipping community is the key driver, especially following a very successful 2022 post-Covid edition.
What are your expectations for DSM2023
We expect a

Additional date to DSM2023

Additional date to DSM2023

We are glad to present that Donsö Shipping Meet will now be a 3 day event, 28-30th of August, 2023. More information will follow!

The island of Donsö

DSM2021 Clean Ocean with Future in Sight - postponed

We are facing difficult times in the world and in the maritime industry due to the Covid-19 pandemic. After careful consideration and discussions with the Donsö Shipping Meet Board, Sponsors, Exhibitors and Shipping companies, we have come to the unanimous conclusion that it is not possible to arrange Donsö Shipping Meet in 2021.
We hereby announce that DSM2021 - Clean Ocean with Future in Sigh

Gijsbert DE JONG, Marine Chief Executive Nordics, Bureau Veritas

Bureau Veritas - DSM2022 Gold Sponsor

Bureau Veritas supports DSM2022 as Gold Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision? We have supported DSM for many years and are happy to continue our cooperation, as it is an excellent event bringing together all the key stakeholders associated with the Donsö shipping community.

Mats B. Sundbø, Technical Sales Manager/Cofounder, DAVI TURBO

DAVI TURBO - DSM2022 Silver Sponsor

Interview with Mats B. Sundbø, Technical Sales Manager/Cofounder, DAVI TURBO.

DAVI TURBO supports DSM2022as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
Easy choice. DSM has become our favorite shipping-event. If you ask us as an exhibitor how the ideal fair should be like, look for DSM, and you have the answer. If our branch wants the exhibitions to survive for the future, w

Bertil Pevantus, CEO, Styrsöbolaget

Styrsöbolaget - DSM2022 Silver Sponsor

Interview with Bertil Pevantus, CEO, Styrsöbolaget
Styrsöbolaget supports DSM2022 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
As we carry out most of the transports in the archipelago, it is obvious that we will sponsor DSM.

What are your expectations for DSM2022?
That we should be able to feel that there is a time after Corona.
What is your best memory from DSM19

Jonas Piskorowski, Business Development Manager, Consilium Safety

Consilium Safety - DSM2022 Silver Sponsor

Read interview with Jonas Piskorowski, Business Development Manager, Consilium Safety
Consilium Safety supports DSM2022 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
We see it as a perfect opportunity exhibit our brand and company, being a Silver Sponsor contributes a little bit more.

What are your expectations for DSM2022?
That we can meet in a safe manner and return

Michael Lassen, Managing Director, Cosmos Trawl

Cosmos Trawl - DSM2022 Silver Sponsor

Cosmos Trawl supports DSM2022 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision? ​We are sponsor since we have many customers in Sweden, and many of these customers visits this event.

Lars Rhodin, Managing Director, The Swedish Club

The Swedish Club - DSM2022 Gold Sponsor

Interview with Lars Rhodin, Managing Director, The Swedish Club 
The Swedish Club supports DSM2022 as Gold Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
The Club has been Gold Sponsor of the event since 2017, and believes it is important to continue to financially support those of our members responsible for the biggest shipping event in Sweden. What the Donsö Shipping Meet achieves for t

Michael Berg, Sales manager, C Supply

C Supply - DSM2022 Silver Sponsor

Interview with Michael Berg, Sales manager, C Supply. C Supply supports DSM2022 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision? We at C Supply are huge fans of DSM and have been for years. Even though the company is new we have all been involved in the event since the first event. We wanted to be Silver Sponsor because DSM is a great opportunity to meet new people with great competence.


FAYARD - DSM2022 Silver Sponsor

FAYARD supports DSM2022 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision? ​FAYARD is a longtime service provider to many of the Donsö Ship Owners. FAYARD find that it is important to be prepared and knowledgeable about the Owners’ needs, demands and wishes for the future.

Rasmus Folsø, CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard

​Interview with Rasmus Folsø, CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard, DSM2022 Main Sponsor

DESMI supports DSM2022 as Main Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
It has been pretty clear from the beginning that numerous products from DESMI has a place at DSM2022. And DSM opens for DESMI a great opportunity to meet many shipowners, shipbuilders, marine engineers and other stakeholders. It gives DESMI the opportunity to discuss with participants about latest trends and product

Wärtsilä Corporation handed over the SEABIN donation to Donsö.

SEABIN donation

Today Wärtsilä Corporation handed over the SEABIN donation to Donsö, with the aim of supporting the environmental protection activities in the harbor of Donsö!

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A meeting place for the maritime cluster. DSM2025, September 1-3, 2025.

​Donsö Shipping Meet started in 2009 and take place every other year on the island of Donsö, in the southern part of the archipelago of Gothenburg, Sweden. Delegates from all over the world gather on the island eager to discuss shipping and shipping-related topics. A meeting place for the maritime cluster, Donsö Shipping Meet is a lively, friendly event that provides a range of opportunities for making new connections.

The place to be in 2023 was Donsö. Over the course of 3 days, 2,900 delegates from 40 countries gathered to discuss shipping and shipping related topics. 100 shipping companies and 270 exhibiting suppliers came to lend their perspectives, make new connections and forge new business opportunities. By the end of the day, on August 29, 2,100 seated guests enjoyed a three-course meal at the Banquet dinner, where Triple & Touch, Ntombie Shobede, the Star Choir and the Ocean Vocals from Donsö, performed. The Banquet dinner hosts more guests than the Nobel banquet dinner in the Stockholm City Hall!