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Lilia Yeghiazaryan, founder of Dexatel received the Growth Rings in Gold for the global award Founder of the Year category Medium Sized Companies at the Founders´ Awards Gala held at Stockholm City Hall on September 22.
Lilia Yeghiazaryan, founder of Dexatel received the Growth Rings in Gold for the global award Founder of the Year category Medium Sized Companies at the Founders´ Awards Gala held at Stockholm City Hall on September 22.

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A messaging platform, created by the Gold winner of the global award Founder of the Year Medium Sized Companies, Lilia Yeghiazaryan, founder of Dexatel, helps businesses communicate with their customers

Lilia Yeghiazaryan, founder of Dexatel received the Growth Rings in Gold for the global award Founder of the Year category Medium Size Companies at the Founders´ Awards Gala held at Stockholm City Hall on September 22.

“Thank you so much for this honor. It means a lot to be recognized by peers for the work I've done to build Dexatel. We started this company with a vision to make a difference, and I am so proud of the team who have helped me turn that vision into reality. I'm excited to continue growing Dexatel and making an impact in the years to come.”, says Lilia.

The jury's motivation for Lilia Yeghiazaryan:

“Without a tech background, but with extreme persistence, drive and goal-orientation to get things done, and the understanding of the importance of people and team-building, the winner has founded a successful international business with great potential where historical key figures stand out, and future goals are astonishing but possible.”

Lilia Yeghiazaryan founded Dexatel 2015 together with Gegham Azatyan. Headquartered in Estonia, Dexatel has offices in Armenia and in the UAE. The company portfolio comprises more than 300 operators and serves thousands of customers in more than 190 countries. Dexatel is an omni channel cloud communications platform with voice and programmable messaging solutions. 

From world-class social media giants to local grocery stores, the company helps businesses communicate with their customers through an advanced and convenient messaging platform. At Dexatel, human sustainability maintains and improves the team. A healthy company requires healthy employees with benefits and advantages. Dexatel invests in creating a framework to not only give back to the industry, but also have a social impact as a company.

Lilias' driving force is the team. Dexatel reached €16 million in revenue with zero investment. The company succeeded hand-in-hand with an awesome team. Each employee is a part of the entrepreneurship and ownership of Dexatel.

The finalists have earlier introduced themselves and their companies to a jury of qualified founders consisting of: Chairwoman of the jury Monika Liikamaa - Enfuce, Anastasia Georgiadou - Alminia, Tom Sulzer - Sulzer & Schmid Laboratories, Robby Yung - Animoca Brands and Thomas Rogalin - Workz.

Founder of the Year

Founder of the Year is Founders Alliance's main award, and aims to draw attention to and highlight global large scale founders who own and operate sustainable companies, and thus stimulate more medium-sized and large internationally expanding companies.

The founders and their companies are ranked based on the Founders Alliance (FA) Index, which takes into account past performances, future potential and societal achievements.

To pay attention to the highest performing founders in several company development phases, and to highlight female and male winners, Founder of the Year is awarded to male and female founders in three categories based on financial results the year prior.

In the category Founders of Medium Sized Companies are active founders of a company with a revenue of approximately 10-50 MEUR with at least 20% ownership in a profitable company.

Photo: Jean Lapin,

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Founders Alliance

Founders Alliance was established in 2002 by Niclas Carlsson. Today Founders Alliance is a premium collaborative business forum for founders of large-scale corporations, owners of international growth companies and engaged in multiple social impact initiatives around the globe. We facilitate a platform for collaboration for founders (members) incl. Founders Groups, one-to-one introductions, closed online communities, international business trips and events (hybrid). Its membership comprises over 300 high performing founders owning over 3000 companies in all parts of the world stretching across all industries and areas of expertise. 

The core of Founders Alliance is independent from state funding, financial actors, advisory firms and academic institutions. 

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About Founders Alliance

Founders Alliance was established in 2002 by Niclas Carlsson. Today Founders Alliance is a premium collaborative business forum for founders of large-scale corporations, owners of international growth companies and engaged in multiple social impact initiatives around the globe.

Founders Alliance facilitates a platform for collaboration for founders (members) incl. Founders Groups, one-to-one introductions, closed online communities, international business trips and events (hybrid). Its membership comprises over 300 high performing founders owning over 3000 companies in all parts of the world stretching across all industries and areas of expertise.

The core of Founders Alliance is independent from state funding, financial actors, advisory firms and academic institutions.

Founders Alliance

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SE-114 35 Stockholm