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Struan Stevenson: "EU har givit efter för Irans krav om terrorist-stämpling av oppositionsgruppen PMOI"

Vid måndagens presskonferens angående EU:s terroriststämpling av den iranska motståndsgruppen Folkets mujahedin (PMOI) deltog bland andra Struan Stevenson, vice ordförande i EPP-ED-gruppen i EU-parlamentet.

Vid konferensen sa Struan Stevenson att Iran bär ansvar för de fruktansvärda händelserna i Gaza eftersom Iran försörjt Hamas med vapen och ammunition i syfte att provocera fram ett israeliskt anfall. Han sa också att västvärlden inte motsatt sig Irans finansiering av terrorism utan istället gjort upprepade eftergifter till Iran, och gått med på det iranska kravet om att terrorist-stämpla den största iranska oppositionsgruppen PMOI.

Utdrag ur Struan Stevensons anförande:


"Iran's foreign policy objective is to become the dominant regional power in the Middle East. They want to unite the Islamic world in submission to their own austere and disturbing vision of a totalitarian Islamic brotherhood, where human rights, women's rights and freedom of speech are ground into the dust. Shamefully, the West has done nothing to confront or expose Iranian aggression. Faced with mounting evidence of the mullah's sponsorship of terror, the West has gone out of its way to appease Tehran, even agreeing to their primary demand of disabling the main Iranian opposition movement, the People's Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI), by placing them on the EU Terror List."

"The mullahs fear and loathe the PMOI because they regard them as the key risk to their tenuous hold on power. They also fear and loathe the PMOI's pledge to restore democracy and freedom, to respect human rights and women's rights, to ban torture and the death penalty and to stop all attempts at producing nuclear weapons. The PMOI's manifesto is the antithesis of everything the mullahs stand for. That's why every Western politician visiting Tehran is met with a barrage of vitriol against the PMOI. That's why Iran's ambassadors to the EU are hysterically trying to bully Member States into defying the order of the courts to de-list the PMOI."


"But the good news is that it only takes one Member State to stand up against the lies and distortions to bring this whole debacle to an end. That is why I have come to Sweden today. Sweden has always defended truth, justice and the rule of law. My ancestors were Vikings and as a Scot I know from my own history what it takes to stand up against injustice and oppression. I hope that Sweden will stand firm in the Council of Ministers and say NO to defying the rule of law, NO to appeasing the mullahs and NO to blacklisting the PMOI."

Struan Stevenson sade detta igår, den 12 januari 2009, vid en konferens på Grand Hotel i Stockholm arrangerad av kommittén "Friends of a Free Iran" (FOFI) vid Europaparlamentet tillsammans med FOFI/Sverige. Vid konferensen deltog jurister och parlamentariker från flera EU-länder samt representanter för Irans nationella motståndsråd (NCRI).

FOFI/Sverige den 13 januari 2009.

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  • Diplomati


  • fofi
  • iran
  • pmoi
  • folkets mujahedin
  • eu
  • eu:s terrorlista

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