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GleSYS acquires Finnish cloud provider Oulun DataCenter – increases market share in the Nordics

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GleSYS acquires Finnish cloud provider Oulun DataCenter – increases market share in the Nordics

Hosting company GleSYS AB has today signed the acquisition of Oulun DataCenter Oy. The acquisition is part of the growth strategy in the Nordics established by the owners together with VIA equity.

Oulun DataCenter (ODC) is the leading cloud service company in Northern Finland. Through their own data centers in Oulu they are delivering data center and cloud services that meet the needs of the most complex businesses.

– I’m very excited for this acquisition and we’ll utilize ODC as a platform for further growth of our cloud and infrastructure operations across Finland, says Glenn Johansson, CEO and founder of GleSYS.

The CEO and owner of ODC is also satisfied with the acquisition.

– We’ve a strong regional position with our current business catering for many demanding clients. In GleSYS we feel we’ve found a very good partner to further develop our business, says Mika Lähteenmäki, who will continue in his role after the transaction.

– Together with GleSYS we’ve a clear strategy to expand the offering of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to demanding customers. The acquisition of ODC will strengthen our presence in Finland and add a highly-skilled local technical team. Together we’ll launch the full GleSYS Cloud offering in the market, says Daniel Hallberg investment responsible at VIA equity.

ODC will continue to operate as a stand-alone entity within the GleSYS Group post the transaction.

About GleSYS

GleSYS offers IT Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to businesses with high requirements on availability and uptime, such as e-commerce and cyber security. The company operates two own datacenters in Falkenberg and Stockholm, and offers cloud services in Oslo, Amsterdam and London. The company also acts as internet service provider (ISP) through a vast European fibre network. With head office in Falkenberg and offices in Malmö and Stockholm the company today has 43 employees. GleSYS AB is certified according to ISO standards for quality management (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001) and information security (ISO 27001). The company´s turnover is ca SEK 110 million (2019) with good growth. (glesys.com)

About ODC

ODC operates two own data centers in Oulu, Finland and employs 7 FTE. The company provides Platform as a Service (PaaS), Virtual Private Cloud, Colocation, Network & Communication Services and IT Application Managed Services to customers with high requirements. The company turnover is ca EUR 3m (2019). (www.ouludc.fi)

About VIA equity

VIA equity is a leading Northern European multi-stage private equity firm with an excellent track record of building and transforming our investments into national and international industry leaders. We invest in companies of all sizes, either alone (primarily in small and medium-sized companies with revenue from EUR 10 million to EUR 100 million) or together with one or more of our Limited Partners (primarily larger deals). VIA manages three funds with total assets under management of DKK 3 Bn. Historically VIA has invested in software, internet, technology, energy and IT service companies. (www.viaequity.com)

Contact details

Glenn Johansson
+46 346 738 800

Mika Lähteenmäki
CEO, Oulun DataCenter Oy
+358 40 5266 171

Daniel Hallberg
Investment responsible, VIA equity a/s
+45 2466 3150

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Sebastian Westman

Sebastian Westman

Presskontakt Presskontakt 0706385431

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Kari Päivärinta, Country Manager at Oulun DataCenter Oy

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Ett av Sveriges ledande hostingbolag

GleSYS, grundat 1999 i Falkenberg är en av Nordens ledande leverantörer av serverhosting och nätverksinfrastruktur. Vi har över 4 000 kunder i 70 länder och är den enskilt största hostingleverantören till svensk e-handel.

Idag driver vi tre egna datacenter i Sverige och Finland, och erbjuder cloudtjänster från våra partnerdatacenter i Amsterdam, London och Oslo. Med en omfattande europeisk nätverksinfrastruktur förser vi företag med IP-transit, transport och företagsinternet.

Vårt uppdrag är att lösa våra kunders hostingbehov, så de kan koncentrera sig på att skapa förstklassiga tjänster åt sina slutanvändare. Läs mer på glesys.se.


Box 134
31122 Falkenberg