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DANNIELLE DE ANDREA - Live på Glashuset WY13, Fri entré

DANNIELLE DE ANDREA - Live på Glashuset WY13, Fri entré

Tid 3 November 2017 20:00 – 22:00

Plats Hellstens Glashus, Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 13, T-Mariatorget, Stockholm

Dannielle De Andrea

Dannielle De Andrea’s smooth and powerful voice ‘could quell riots and romance tyrants…’ according to Australian music newspaper Drum Media. Dannielle's new album The Call is a blend of jazz, soul and folk and
features the song High Dreams (with Larry Goldings on piano), winner of the jazz/soul division of the UK Songwriting Contest. Written from personal experience, The Call traces Dannielle's migration
from Australia to America and explores themes of insecurity, heartache, nostalgia and hopefulness.

After a string of performances in New York, London, Los Angeles and ... Rome, Dannielle was dubbed the ‘Aussie Supervoice’ and her live shows are generating a genuine buzz on the international music scene.

With three top 40 UK soul chart hits under her belt (as Danni'elle Gaha), Dannielle’s music has been remixed by the likes of Joey Negro and Roger Sanchez and her vocals have appeared on releases by Sting, Kylie Minogue and the Pet Shop Boys. She has performed live with the likes of Jackson Browne (including a performance at Glastonbury), John Farnham, Joe Cocker, Tom Jones and James Brown.

Alongside her solo and backing vocal work, Dannielle regularly fronts the popular collective The Song and Dance Society and is co-lead singer of the acclaimed vocal trio The SongBirds (alongside Grammy nominee Gaby Moreno). Dannielle has also collaborated with Composer Christophe Jacquelin on the beautiful French project Leaving The Ozone, which featured in the IMAX movie Dolphins and Whales.


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