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Hazlett - live at Glashuset WY13- fri entré

Hazlett - live at Glashuset WY13- fri entré

Tid 1 Februari 2018 20:00 – 22:00

Plats Hellstens Glashus, Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 13, T-Mariatorget, Stockholm

Hazlett is a singer, songwriter and musician, but most of all Hazlett is a storyteller.

The Australian talent cut his teeth working as a touring musician and ghostwriter-for-hire, preferring to stay behind-the-scenes and out of the limelight. It wasn’t until one of his original tracks was discovered by an old friend overseas — and a last minute long-haul flight to Sweden — that his own solo project was born.

After locking himself in a Stockholm studio and pouring his heart out in song, he emerged three months later as Hazlett, armed with three full EPs of rich, warm and moving music. The second of those EPs is set for release in 2018. It’s full of the stuff of living: hope, disappointment, acceptance, the agony of separation and the bittersweetness of starting again. Hazlett’s songs are letters to people around him, from girlfriends past and present to wayward friends, strangers on trains and the celebrity he wound up doing drunk karaoke with one night in New York.

Thundering Hopes draws from folk, indie and pop, with Hazlett’s husky vocals always front and centre. Many of the songs started as nylon string ballads — confessions between a man and his guitar — with Hazlett eventually adding layers of synths, drums and ambience. The result is a collection of hymns that reverberate with emotional intensity — though, for all its complexities, it’s the sound of acoustic guitar that lingers through every track on the upcoming EP.

Hazlett's latest song "First World Problems" will be released world wide on February 2nd - and he will be playing his songs acoustically at Glashuset WY13 on Thursday, February 1.

Be the first to experience his new single at the venue to be on Thursdays in Stockholm!

Welcome to Glashuset WY13!


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