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Miras live at Hellstens Glashus WY13- Fri entré

Tid 17 Maj 2018 20:00 – 22:00

Plats Hellstens Glashus, Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 13, t-bana Mariatorget

With a soulful dark voice, pop songs about her life experiences and a powerful point of view, Mira is an upcoming independent artist from Sweden.

Music has played a huge part in Mira´s life, as the best way to convey thoughts, to feel emotional security and to express her inner feelings. To perform and tell her story through her music is a way for Mira to get stress and anxiety out of her system — an emotional exorcism. Always it is music that calms her down and makes her feel safe. Her songs reflect how these realities affect her relationships and the life struggles she´s facing today. ”Music speaks when words fail” is a quote that couldn't ring more true.”

Her song "Something I don't know" was featured in the Netflix TV show - called "Greenhouse Academy":

Make sure to attend this special night at Glashuset WY13!


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Hellsten Hotels ägs och drivs av Per Hellsten. Hotellgruppen har nu fem hotell i Stockholm: Hellstens Glashus, Hotel Hellsten, Rex Hotel, Hotel Hellstens Malmgård och Rex Petit. Hotellen kännetecknas av historiska byggnader inredda med en blandning av nya och antika möbler från världens alla hörn. Tillsammans med starka färger, konst och fotografi skapas en spännande atmosfär.

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