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Marketplace STHLM for a more diverse entrepreneurial landscape

Why we exist?

Marketplace STHLM was born out of a need for equal access to opportunity. Female entrepreneurs are underrepresented, whereas foreign born women face the biggest challenges and have lower chances to start their own business.

Just a few examples:

  • no business hubs or networks in the suburbs
  • you can hardly rent a store if you are a new business owner
  • the most accelerators focus on tech startups

What we offer?

Our business accelerator offers workspace, business guidance, and a strong diverse network. Our members can also run their business idea in an exclusive showroom and co-working office thus meeting their customers, learning valuable market insights and improving their business.

What we want to achieve?

We want to expand our presence to other suburban areas in Sweden to be the first point of reference for entrepreneurs who crave diversity and inclusion. Entrepreneurs with diverse backgrounds could feel understood as a whole, not only from a business perspective, but be seen for their culture, complexity, identity and struggles.

We will participate and spread social responsibility in society so that the big ones will contribute to the smaller ones to grow. New entrepreneurs and their rising businesses will also boost the economy in their neighbourhood thus lifting up the whole community. Our model will also decrease unemployment rates because more foreigners will enter the labor market.

Who we are?

Bashar Yousif / CEO & Founder

Bashar has extensive experience in leadership, project management, business development and international trade. He has a relevant background in strategic planning and quality management (ISO). His analytical thinking and in-depth knowledge of business practice in both Sweden and the Middle East have made it possible for him to collaborate with both Swedish and international government officials at the highest level. Bashar has an extensive business background which enables him to know what the beneficiaries of our operation need.

Lilla Nemeth / Co-founder & Project manager

Lilla is a marketing professional and an economist. She works primarily with marketing and communication, design and monitors closely basically everything from A to Z. Lilla is also a great project manager and oversees how our members thrive, plans strategically with our partners and organizes our events. Lilla has a special interest in start-up business culture, entrepreneurship, gender issues and integration.

Basma Aziz / Brand specialist

Basma is an entrepreneur with experience in branding, product development, content development and production, team management, creative direction and storytelling. She has experience from different countries, worked in different company structures, and aims to share her knowledge to support individuals who are working on their idea, building a business plan, choosing a business model, or looking to create a strong brand with impactful and emotionally intelligent content. Basma is also a strong advocate to mental health and the importance of vulnerability and choosing a kinder lifestyle.

Want to know more? Contact us via

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  • Business enterprise


  • showroom
  • affärsutveckling
  • entreprenörskap
  • marknadsföring
  • business plan
  • företagande
  • coworking
  • samarbete
  • utbildning


  • Stockholm


Bashar Yousif

Press contact CEO 0707825082

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