Press release -

Partnership Announcement: Marketplace STHLM and SEB

“Alone we can do little. Together we can do so much.”

Our foremost goal is to support every woman to turn their vision into a reality by providing our best services. We have a big ambition to grow and enrich our business, which in turn will highly benefit everyone to take the first steps towards their own company and establish a successful one.

We are proud to announce our partnership with SEB, a leading northern European banking services group. Teaming up with SEB is an exciting opportunity that will provide every entrepreneur with deep insight and methods for saving money in the business. We believe that every money-saving decision that entrepreneurs take can be worth its weight in gold.

Therefore, through this partnership, Marketplace STHLM and SEB will reach out to more women and start-ups who are in need of relevant and useful solutions regarding savings in the business. We are partnered with SEB as we both share a common goal to help our members achieve their business objectives, and discover opportunities and potentials they may never have imagined.

The SEB company and Marketplace STHLM will both cooperate and engage in workshops which will take place in our office in Högdalen Centrum. Check our future events and register at the link below:

A great benefit of being a member of Marketplace STHLM is that among other things, you have the possibility to get valuable knowledge in entrepreneurship, marketing, sales, and leadership by directly booking a meeting with our CEO and Co-founder Bashar Yousif, who is part of the Starta eget Stockholm.

Read more and book Bashar Yousif in Starta eget Stockholm website. 

Bashar Yousif has a relevant background in strategic planning and quality management. Throughout his career, Bashar held the position of advisor to many Swedish institutes and committees having extensive experience in leadership, project management, business development, and international trade.

About Marketplace STHLM:

Our business accelerator offers a workspace, showroom, business guidance, and a strong diverse network. We give access to business knowledge via business partners (i.e courses, seminars and workshops), individual coaching and networking. Moreover, Marketplace STHLM members are able to test their business idea in an exclusive showroom and co-working office thus meet their customers, learn valuable market insights and improve any aspect of their business.

Visit us on the website:

Looking forward to meeting you in Högdalen centrum.

About SEB: SEB is a leading northern European financial services group, with a history dating back to 1856. Innovation, entrepreneurship, and an international perspective are part of their DNA.

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  • Business enterprise


  • entreprenörskap
  • kollaboration
  • affärsutveckling
  • samarbete
  • företagande


  • Stockholm

Marketplace STHLM riktar sig till kvinnliga nyföretagare; främst nyanlända och/eller utrikesfödda. Vi ger stöd i allt som behövs vid företagsstarten: möjlighet att hyra kontor och/eller butiksyta till rimligt pris, tillgång till ett stort nätverk av kontakter, kunskap om företagande i form av föreläsningar och workshops och mycket mer. Dessutom erbjuds expertrådgivning av Marketplace STHLM:s samarbetspartners, exempelvis Almi, Rotary, SEB och andra.

Vi har en exklusiv co-working space med rymliga, fräscha lokaler där entreprenörerna kan hyra in sig, samt ett fint showroom. Där kan företagarna ställa ut produkter och tjänster för försäljning och etablera sitt varumärke.


Bashar Yousif

Press contact CEO 0707825082

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