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First-of-its-kind facility for mycoprotein production to be built in Falkenberg

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First-of-its-kind facility for mycoprotein production to be built in Falkenberg

Mycorena AB and Falkenbergsgruppen AB today announces a joint project to establish a facility for large-scale production of fungi-based protein. The factory, one of its kind in all of Scandinavia, is to be built by the co-owned company Mycorena Fastighets AB and will be operational during 2022. The goal is to provide the food industry with several thousand tons of fungi protein every year, and to pave the way for global expansion of Mycorena’s sustainable business model.

- We are very happy to present this investment that will contribute with several jobs in Falkenberg. It is also a venture that has been made possible thanks to our strong culture of food and cuisine in Falkenberg and Halland, says Jörgen Hallgren, member of the board of Mycorena Fastighets AB.

The factory’s purpose is to industrialize Mycorena’s manufacturing of Promyc, a unique fungi-based protein source sold to food producers all over the world. The Gothenburg-based company currently operates pilot-scale production and sales in its home city, but has now chosen to establish their first large-scale facility in Falkenberg. The historically strong food and beverages industry, as well as the region’s drive for innovation and growth, were important aspects that made the decision land on Halland.

- As a young company, it is crucial that we succeed in building relationships with knowledgeable partners and with visionaries who dare to believe in us. Our establishment here is fully aligned with this, especially because of the amazing ambition that Falkenberg municipality exhibits. We also view it as extremely positive that there is high willingness to invest in foodtech, says Ramkumar Nair, founder and CEO, Mycorena AB.

- We are proud that Mycorena chooses Falkenberg. We believe that they can create synergies together with other actors in the local food cluster. In Falkenberg there are large actors like Carlsberg, Sia Glass and Arla, says Jan Melkersson, Head of Business and Regional Development at Falkenberg municipality.

Per Svensson (S), Municipal Commissioner of Falkenberg municipality, is also pleased with Mycorena’s establishment.

- Mycorena is dearly welcome! In Falkenberg, we work every day to create the best business climate in Sweden and have a strong food sector since long. We have an attractive geographical position and plenty of commercial property, so chances are high that they will get many neighbors in the future.

The establishment has been made possible by large efforts on research and development of Mycorena’s technology, which consists of a fermentation process not unlike beer brewing. In this work, the company has had great help from FBG Invest, an investor network supplying entrepreneurs with local venture capital. Members of the network have been a part of Mycorena’s journey for more than a year, and several are involved in both Falkenbergsgruppen Fastighets AB and Mycorena Fastighets AB.

- FBG Invest, in its capacity as an investor network, was early to join Mycorena AB and as a result of its investment, a mutual trust has been created, enabling this initiative in Falkenberg. With this factory, Mycorena AB can demonstrate large-scale production that will take the company further in its growth, says Jörgen Hallgren, who aside from a board member of Mycorena Fastighets AB is also a member of FBG Invest.

After completion of the project, the facility will operate as a model factory for Mycorena’s continued growth, as well as a global research and innovation center for the company. It will lay the foundation for expansion of the production concept both in Sweden and internationally, and the goal is to supply the food industry with tens of thousands of tons Promyc before the year 2030.

About Mycorena Fastighets AB:

Newly established property management company co-owned by Mycorena AB and Falkenbergsgruppen Fastighets AB. The purpose is to establish a unique facility for large-scale production of fungi-based protein in Falkenberg.

About Mycorena AB:

FoodTech-company from Gothenburg developing technological solutions built on fungi-based fermentation. The flagship product, Promyc, is a unique protein source for food and beverages production, sold to manufacturers all over the world.

About Falkenbergsgruppen Fastighets AB:

Property management company owned and operated by several strong actors within the local construction, civil engineering and real estate industries: Per-Olof Andersson, Johnny Hansson, Bo-Lennart Thuresson, Niklas Grip, Bozo Lukanovic, Roger Viklund and Jörgen Hallgren.

Contact persons:

Ebba Fröling, COO Mycorena AB, +46 703 80 90 49

Ramkumar Nair, founder and CEO Mycorena AB, +46 723 34 02 81

Jörgen Hallgren, member of the board Falkenbergsgruppen Fastighets AB, +46 708 30 84 48

Jan Melkersson, Head of Business and Regional Development at Falkenberg municipality, +46 738 66 29 35

Per Svensson (S), Municipal Commissioner of Falkenberg municipality, +46 703 55 61 41

Relaterade länkar




Mycorena är en foodtech startup som tillverkar ett hållbart, veganskt och högvärdigt mykoprotein. Baserat i Göteborg tillverkar de sin produkt, Promyc, som möjliggör storskalig framställning av högkvalitativ och hållbar mat.


Lowie Vanholme

Presskontakt Commercial Director +32474335207

Relaterat innehåll

Nästa generations Mycoprotein

Mycorena utvecklar Promyc, nästa generations hållbara proteinkälla, genom en innovativ fermenteringsprocess. Med sin tilltalande smak, överlägsna näringsprofil och minimala klimatpåverkan står Promyc i förgrunden för global livsmedelsinnovation, och kommer revolutionera hur vi konsumerar protein i framtiden.

Mycorena AB

Gamlestadsvägen 2
415 02 Göteborg