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It’s finally time for the opening of OpenART 2017 in Örebro, Sweden

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It’s finally time for the opening of OpenART 2017 in Örebro, Sweden

The team behind OpenArt likes to be a little secretive. We can hardly contain ourselves now – but we hope we have been able to keep everyone else in suspense…

So here it is: The OpenART opening will be held on 18 June at 1:00 pm in the middle of Olaigatan. Outside Örebro Art Gallery, opposite the Castle by Henry Allard Park, we are going to start things off with a major happening.
Just like we usually do when OpenART gets going. In addition to the landmarks like the Castle and the park by Järntorget square, OpenArt’s section of Olaigatan will be stand out in particular because… it’s an entirely new colour!
Before we’ve painted streets pink and green, so what colour will it be this time?
What can we say – we love it! The painted street is a collaboration between OpenART and the Municipality of Örebro’s Urban Development Office.

So the opening will be a big event, but what exactly will happen then? We’re of course going to keep that secret until it’s time. We want to keep building the suspense!

Before that, we want to give you a sneak peek of a venue in this year’s exhibition that is filled to the brim with art. It’s a new kind of venue, even for us: Art Station. It has two floors and several thousand square metres of space exhibiting photography, paintings, installations and video works. On Thursday 15 June at 1:15 pm, in the middle of the rush to get OpenART up and running, we will be holding an on-site press preview.

We all know how fickle summer weather can be in Sweden. That’s why this year there will be several indoor locations for art enthusiasts to visit during OpenART 2017. Much of this exciting art will be exhibited at Art Station. Here we’ll be displaying the kind of art that requires an indoor space. We promise that it will be every bit as good as the art you’ll find around the city. And just like the art outside, it’s there for the audience to enjoy on their own terms! Just like that, we’ve made a furniture warehouse into one of the city’s largest galleries – and with a café no less.



OpenART 2017 aims to create a distinct triangle of ideas between the three regions of the world spotlighted in the exhibition: Asia, Europe and Latin America.

OpenART Biennale in Örebro draws energy from the meeting between what might be depicted, with a few gentle brushstrokes, as the thoughtful wisdom of Asia and the colourful vitality of Latin America. A triangle of cultures that helps us let go of what we take for granted so that we can achieve something bigger here, together, in Örebro, in Northern Europe, in the world...


This summer, Örebro will once again be transformed into art’s urban playground. OpenART, Sweden’s largest biennial for contemporary art in the public space, celebrates its sixth exhibition this year. Once again, the city centre will open up for a public encounter with art, long awaited by many. For three months, the urban space will become a forum for exciting creativity, magical experiences, and exhilarating ideas. The special focus countries for 2017 are Japan and Colombia.

On 18 June 2017, OpenART Biennale will come into full bloom with more than a hundred works by sixty artists in Örebro’s city centre.In other words, anything can happen – and we promise it will!

OpenART runs until 10 September.

Contact information:
Elisabeth Magnusson, Marketing and Public Relations
phone +46 (0)19 21 10 52 or +46 76 551 19 58

Elin Persson, OpenART Director e

Phone 019-21 46 43 alt. +46 76-720 68 43





Maria Lindstedt

Maria Lindstedt

Presskontakt Mediestrateg 019-21 17 02

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