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Leevi Ikäheimo. Backstage at ALPHA, 2022. Photo: Tine Bek
Leevi Ikäheimo. Backstage at ALPHA, 2022. Photo: Tine Bek

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New Nordic fashion exhibition initiative starts at Röhsska Museum

The first of its kind, ALPHA has initiated a collaborative platform with four museums in the Nordic region to celebrate new talents in fashion. The collaboration will commence in May 2023 with an exhibition at the Röhsska Museum in Gothenburg.

The Röhsska Museum of Design and Craft in Gothenburg (Sweden), the National Museum in Oslo (Norway), EMMA - Espoo Museum of Modern Art (Finland) and Copenhagen Contemporary (Denmark), all share an interest and passion for contemporary fashion in the context of design, art and craft. Each year, in the course of four years, one museum will host an exhibition which will coincide with physical and digital programmes and events that ALPHA and the museums will co-create.

Exhibition at the Röhsska museum

The collaboration will commence in May 2023 with an exhibition at the Röhsska museum in Gothenburg, which focuses on emerging Nordic fashion designers’ use of knitwear and print.

– The collaboration with ALPHA and the other museums aims to strengthen the positioning of Nordic fashion through its cultural and artistic capital. The initiative indicates a commitment between our institutions to create platforms for dialogue and co-creation to celebrate Nordic fashion in a changing world. We do this by showcasing emerging fashion designers across the region with dedicated exhibitions and associated programs in collaboration with our Nordic partners, says Nina Due, director of Röhsska museum.

"A dream come true"

– As a Nordic organisation for emerging fashion designers, I have long wanted to engage with museums across the Nordics in a long-term project to create a shared exhibition platform to feature new talents in fashion. Together with these prominent museums, we can now share the work of talented designers in the region with the wider public, and at the same time create greater awareness about the cultural value of fashion, says Ane Lynge-Jorlén, Director of ALPHA.

The first exhibition is at the Röhsska museum in Gothenburg, in May 2023. In 2024, The National Museum in Oslo will host an exhibition, followed by an exhibition at EMMA Museum of Modern Art in Finland in 2025. Copenhagen Contemporary will host the fourth exhibition in 2026.

For more information, please contact:


General inquiry: info@alphafashion.org

Ane Lynge-Jorlén: ane@alphafashion.org

Röhsska Museum of Design and Craft:

Press: Pnina Yavari Molin pnina.molin@kultur.goteborg.se

Nina Due, nina.due@kultur.goteborg.se

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Karin Andersson

Karin Andersson

Presskontakt Kommunikatör & presskontakt 070-595 12 83

Röhsska museet. Sveriges museum för design, mode och konsthantverk.

Hur förändrar design samhället, miljön och våra liv? Röhsska museet öppnade 1916 och är ett museum för design och konsthantverk. Med museets samlingar, utställningar och program undersöker vi hur form, mode och design påverkat oss genom historien och på väg mot framtiden.