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Design Diary Entry Week One

My name is Codee Adams and I am a 3rd year student of Industrial Design at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

In our program, there is an emphasis on experience. So much so that 5 semesters of real-world work experience are mandatory for graduation. It is not an internship , it is full fledged immersion in industry, employed as a designer. The program, called co-op, teaches us things impossible to learn in the classroom environment. Monday, August 26th marked the beginning of my first co-op experience abroad, with Runius Design. For the next 4 months, I am lucky enough to be working as partner to Christian Runius.

I chose Industrial Design because I see consumer society as a problem. The only way to beat it, is to join it; to institute change from the inside. We as a species are depleting this planet of everything it’s got, and it’s a monumental matter. Very few people I’ve come in contact with are able to comprehend the significance. After all, this planet Earth is a colossal place. There are an infinite number of localized problems from end to end, and most people mistake the world at large for the small town or city which they were born, live and die. But it takes exposure and experience to the entire world in order to actualize how human society functions on the global level. I knew that in order to take on this problem, I couldn’t stay in Ohio, I couldn’t stay in America, I have to see the world, learn about it, observe it and perceive it in its entirety to ever attempt to solve this problem of consumption on the global scale. But, one must crawl before the learn to walk and I must become a designer before changing what it means to design.

I aim to take full advantage of the co-op program, to immerse myself in the aesthetics and philosophies of different cultures as a part of my design education. Which brings me here, Stockholm, Sweden, on my first leg of my quest to become a global designer. Christian was kind enough to take me on as a designer. I now share his studio space in beautiful central Stockholm. It is a wonderful environment to work in, full of classic Scandinavian architecture, shops and stores for benchmarking research, and a wealth of options for fika. During my time at Runius Design, I will have the responsibility of four projects, each with different emphasis within the design process. It is fantastic to be working as a consultant, having such a multitude of tasks to exercise many of the skills it takes to be a successful, well-rounded designer: research, interviews, ideating, sketching, modeling, rendering; the lot. Manufacturing processes and client/supplier relationships will play a large role in a few of my projects; an exciting new challenge for me, especially in a country where English is a second language. Now, more than ever, will my design communication skills play a pivotal role in my success. In light of my global goal, I want to execute these projects as a Scandinavian designer. To solve the problems in Sweden, as a Swede. This is where full cultural immersion and conscious observation factors in, and after a week here in Stockholm, I have begun to delve into the philosophy and purpose behind Scandinavian Design.

Scandinavian Design is a hallmark of minimulistic beauty and functionality. I appreciate the intention of letting a product speak for itself, without ornamentation or decoration obscuring the purpose. Aesthetically, objects can be identified as Scandinavian by a ‘clean’ or minimal feeling. Round, circular geometry or tall and thinly proportioned geometry are the most prevalent characteristics, I have found. However, the forms are a derivative of function. In a place where winter means a few hours of sunlight and unrelenting snow, one’s objects must function with integrity. I believe the emphasis of Swedish living is just that: living. Enjoying life without the distraction of everything trying to grab your attention (think about Times Square). It can be seen in the mute, earthy color scheme of classic Stockholm architecture. The minimalism and smart, functionality of objects and products stem from focusing on what’s truly important; giving ease in areas where stress isn’t necessary. It’s not about making everyone comfortable and content, it’s about allowing people to work and live happily, without complication. The beauty within the form is simply a by-product.

I’ll be making weeking blog posts with updates and thoughts about my time here in Stockholm with Runius Design, check back for more information on my progress, design and philosophy in Scandinavia.

Codee Adams
Industrial Design Student

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  • codee adams
  • co-op
  • vi på kontoret
  • university of cincinnati


Christian Runius

Presskontakt Ingenjör och Produktdesigner Produktutveckling +46(0)76 217 11 55

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