TAXOTERE® GODKÄNNS FÖR huvud-halscancer i Europa
Behandling med Taxotere minskar risken för dödsfall med 28 procent hos patienter med inoperabel, lokalt framskriden huvud-halscancer
Behandling med Taxotere minskar risken för dödsfall med 28 procent hos patienter med inoperabel, lokalt framskriden huvud-halscancer
-- Taxotere containing regimen reduces the risk of death by 28% in patients with inoperable locally advanced head and neck cancer --
As part of its strategy to strengthen its presence in Japan, sanofi-aventis announced today that it has agreed with Astellas Pharma Inc. to accelerate the transfer of all rights to rimonabant in Japan from a joint-venture company held by the two groups to sanofi-aventis.
- Hoechst AG, a subsidiary of sanofi-aventis, and the Wacker family agreed on the restructuring of the ownership of Wacker-Chemie GmbH.
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