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From setback to opportunity: Tobias Forsberg shares his new perspectives at Sara kulturhus

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From setback to opportunity: Tobias Forsberg shares his new perspectives at Sara kulturhus

Sara kulturhus is proud to present an evening of inspiration with speaker Tobias Forsberg and his lecture "New Perspectives". The event will take place on June 4th at 7:00 PM and will be an open and thought-provoking moment for everyone striving to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

During the lecture, Tobias Forsberg will share his personal journey and the dramatic event that changed his life. In 2018, during a hockey game, Tobias was involved in a serious accident where he collided with the boards and broke his neck, resulting in paralysis. This event marked the end of a long sports career, but also the beginning of a new journey. He will talk about how he has dealt with and overcome this difficult time, and how he has found new perspectives and meaning in life.

Tobias will explore topics such as facing adversity, growing from experiences, and finding the strength to move forward when everything feels hopeless. His story will highlight the importance of embracing change and seeing each step forward as a victory and each failure as a lesson.

This inspiring lecture is made possible through a collaboration with Skellefteå Municipality, which shares the vision of promoting community, accessibility, and personal development.

Tickets are available at sarakulturhus.se, ticketmaster.se, and Skellefteå Tourist Center. Keep an eye on our social media and website for more information.


The lecture series THINK at Sara kulturhus presents some of Sweden's foremost speakers. With their insights and stories, the speakers plant small seeds of thought in the audience's consciousness and inspire reflection. Sometimes transparent, captivating, and smart. Other times creative, uplifting, and just a little wonderful.




Mitt i centrala Skellefteå står Sara kulturhus. En mötesplats för dig och mig som andas mod och viljan att tänka nytt. Här blandas kultur med konferenser och event i ett hus som är byggt för framtiden och fyllt med hållbara lösningar. Den 20 våningar höga byggnaden väver samman stadens långa tradition inom träbyggande med den senaste ingenjörskonsten, vilket också gjort huset till en förebild inom hållbar design och konstruktion.


Sofia Andersson Lundberg

Sofia Andersson Lundberg

Programchef Sara kulturhus +46 72-402 04 44

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Sara kulturhus

Mitt i centrala Skellefteå står Sara kulturhus. En mötesplats för dig och mig som andas mod och viljan att tänka nytt. Här blandas kultur med konferenser och events i ett hus som är byggt för framtiden och fyllt med hållbara lösningar. Den 20 våningar höga byggnaden väver samman stadens långa tradition inom träbyggande med den senaste ingenjörskonsten, vilket också gjort huset till en förebild inom hållbar design och konstruktion.